Recent content by CWT91

  1. CWT91

    Transport for foreigners

    Hi, I have heard many issues from foreigners with regards to buying train or bus tickets in India. I am going to India sometime in late August, early September and would primarily be travelling in the Northern part of India. I would like to ask what are the options for transportations for...
  2. CWT91

    Everyday India Instagram Account

    Hi folks! I am from Singapore! And I am planning to travel from Myanmar to India to Nepal and possibly Pakistan (if I can get the visa!!). But my trip for Myanmar & India is already confirmed since I got the visa for both countries! I am a solo traveller but always open to travelling with a few...
  3. CWT91

    Naropa Festival 2016

    Hi, Is anyone here going or are interested in going to the Naropa festival held in Ladakh this year? This festival is held only once every 12 years. I think it will be interesting to experience a different culture and do some freelance photography work during the festival. I am interested in...
  4. CWT91

    Plans to Visit Nagaland

    Hi Diana! Thanks for the detailed write-up! I am planning to travel overland from Myanmar into India and that will be the North-East of India. I do know about the monsoon season in Myanmar & NE India region. Any idea how serious the monsoon season is in the month of August, September? Will the...
  5. CWT91

    Solo Traveller (North-East India)

    HI, I am a solo traveller from Singapore and I am currently planning for my next overland trip travelling from Myanmar to Mongolia (M2M). My brief route will start from Myanmar - North-East India - Nepal - China (Tibet, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia) - Mongolia. I know this is a forum for travels in...
  6. CWT91

    Entering India From Myanmar By Road

    I have got my Myanmar Visa and I am waiting for my India Visa now. I am planning to cross this land border from Myanmar into India. Other than Visas if you do need one for both countries, I think you would need a border crossing permit to cross this border. I am trying to get more information...
  7. CWT91

    Myanmar to India via the Tamu - Moreh land border

    This is really helpful. Thanks for the information!
  8. CWT91

    Plans to Visit Nagaland

    Hi, I am planning to visit Nagaland! I am still planning my trip and would like to keep a look out for potential travel mate in NE India! Also, I am open to suggestions, tips (on festivals, transport, accommodation) on how to make travelling in Nagaland a pleasant and enjoyable experience for...
  9. CWT91

    North - East India

    Hi, I am planning to travel overland from Myanmar to Mongolia soon. I will pass by India and to be specific, the North - Eastern region of India. I know this is probably one of the least visited region in India and I would like to ask about tips & suggestions (when is the best time to visit...
  10. CWT91

    Myanmar to India via the Tamu - Moreh land border

    Hi, I am planning to travel overland from Myanmar to India via the Tamu - Moreh land border. I do know about the permit needed by foreigner to cross this border. May i know has anyone done this crossing before? If yes, where and how can i get the border crossing permit. Next, if i...