Recent content by debilechat

  1. debilechat

    Best And Worst Travel Partners?

    @amelia88 Yes, I do like to do some research about where I'm going so I don't regret missing out on something amazing! Generally though it's fun to just explore and see what you find!
  2. debilechat

    Best And Worst Travel Partners?

    My favourite people to travel with are my partner and a friend that I met in India. They are pretty similar to me in outlook and personality which really helps avoid stress and arguments! Generally I prefer to travel with people who have similar wants from the trip- to see important historical...
  3. debilechat

    Do You Like To Cook?

    I think you're right! Yeh, it seems to be EVERYWHERE at the moment., along with sweet potato fries! I made a tongue in cheek prediction to a friend this morning that salt beef will be the next big thing. We shall see......
  4. debilechat

    Do You Like To Cook?

    Korea was fab. Seoul is great for all the different kinds of food you can get! Ooooh, pulled pork is amazing! Do you do it in the oven or a slow cooker? I'd love to try and make it. My boyfriend is a huge fan of pulled pork.
  5. debilechat

    Do You Like To Cook?

    I love cinnamon in savoury dishes! I haven't heard of that being a taboo thing! Eep. I'm pretty sure I have been given at least one Indian recipe that used star anise and cinnamon as well as more tradtional spices. I can't quite remember what it was though- maybe Syrian Christian chicken. Do...
  6. debilechat

    How Do You Occupy Yourself On Long Haul Flights?

    Hahahaha. innaf93,I know what you mean! Ear fatigue is real. I find I feel the same way if I watch too many films on the plane in a row. It's frustrating because the films are definitely the best way to pass time for me but then it starts to feel like sensory overload!
  7. debilechat

    Different classes of train travel tickets on Indian railways

    This a great post! When I went back to India I was booking train tickets and got so confused! I went for 3A which was perfect in terms of the soace available and the price was amazing! I was careful to book the end bunks because there is more head room, the bottom bunk has a window and you...
  8. debilechat

    Traveling To India - Expenses, Weather, Dress Code, Hotels And Safety

    I think it's important to know what someone is expecting when they travel as well. I mentioned before that it is possible to have a hotel room for less than 1000 rupees per night but obviously the quality of the rooms will differ! It depends on what someone wants from their room, how much they...
  9. debilechat

    How Do You Occupy Yourself On Long Haul Flights?

    I think even that is changing. I always turn on flight mode on my kindle and have been able to keep reading even through takeoff and landing on some flights but one airline asked me to turn it off until we were in the air.
  10. debilechat

    Traveling To India - Expenses, Weather, Dress Code, Hotels And Safety

    All the advice that has been given so far sounds really good! I just want to mention though that hotels can be found for a lot cheaper than 1000 rupees per night. Depending on your comfort level, I would advise booking a hotel for your first few nights but then, especially if you are moving from...
  11. debilechat

    Visiting Himachal, J & K During December

    It depends on if the snows come early or not. I lived in Himachal over winter and we had no trouble travelling from Palampur higher in the mountains up to McLeod Ganj but it might be a little tricky farther north! I would guess that travelling within Himachal would be fine but any further north...
  12. debilechat

    Cultural Standards For Women

    When I travelled in India I wore loose cotton trousers that I bought there and either long sleeve, high necked t shirts or khameez tops. Like people have mentioned already, you will atttract attention purely for being Western but dressing conservatively is a good idea. It's also advisable to...
  13. debilechat

    Best Museums In India?

    It's only a small museum but I really enjoyed the Tibetan history museum by the temple in McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh. It gives a lot of information about Tibet's history and the refugees escaping across the Himalayas. It documents the help that India gave the refugees. It can be quite...
  14. debilechat

    Places That Should Not Be Missed?

    Domixion, when are you planning on going and whereabouts are you thinking of exploring?
  15. debilechat

    Do You Like To Cook?

    Kaycee, I used to hate cooking too but once I learned a few basics I started to really love experimenting. Music definitely makes it more fun too. What kinds of dishes have you been practicing with?