Recent content by Dybbuk Jones

  1. Dybbuk Jones

    Carmona and Zalor beach information

    Carmona Beach is a beautiful beach and they certain make it easy to get to. However, I went during the height of the tourist season and there were some fairly sketchy Europeans who were practically taking over the beach and smoking marijuana at all hours. It gave me a headache. Results may vary...
  2. Dybbuk Jones

    Have You Ever Considered Tripura As A Travel Destination?

    I haven't considered Tripura as a destination before, but now that I read this tread, I definitely want to go. It seems like one of the most elegant places possible to visit in Indian and I really like the fact that most of the attractions are just promotions for tranquility.
  3. Dybbuk Jones

    Where Is This Monument In India?

    It was also just recently renovated so definitely check it out when you get to Jaipur. Remember that it is south of the city.
  4. Dybbuk Jones

    Zika Virus in India?

    Definitely. Where there are mosquitoes there are blood viruses that will make you very sick and could even kill you. Malaria is still one of the major killers of travel plans. Even if it doesn't kill you, it can lay you out for a few weeks. So definitely take all the precautions including...
  5. Dybbuk Jones

    Qatar Airways baggage allowance from USA to India

    Looks like they charge about $200 per extra piece on items from the USA. That seems excessive but I suppose they just assume that Americans are going to be paying out the nose for anything regardless.
  6. Dybbuk Jones

    Mahatma Ghandi's Birthday

    Most of the celebration for the day include prayer meetings and commemorative ceremonies. There are also some poetry readings going on that day if you look for them.
  7. Dybbuk Jones

    Distance between Jaipur and Ranthambore

    If you are taking your own transportation it's a few hours. By train or bus it can take a lot more time and you might not enjoy the trek.
  8. Dybbuk Jones

    Best time to visit Jaipur?

    Definitely go in December. It's just cold enough to be comfortable and since it can get nippy, most tourists avoid it in this month. This is when you want to walk around and really feel the weather. Of course, book your hotel early.
  9. Dybbuk Jones

    Places to visit near Chandigarh

    There's always Nek Chand's Rock Garden, which is beautifully weird especially the parts where the kitchen sinks are used as part of the borders. I have been there a few times and it's always peaceful and a welcome respite from the rest of the trip. Well most of the time. I got mugged there once...
  10. Dybbuk Jones

    Wagah Border Ceremony

    The Crown Plaza Lahore is a ways off but it is pretty nice. I liked the beds and the colors of the sheets. It's a little loud, but I was going expecting that. If I want to stay in a quiet hotel, I will stay in New Hampshire.
  11. Dybbuk Jones

    Anyone ever made their own chutney?

    Thanks for the tips. I tried to make chutney in college but it was all messed up. I might have put too much water in it. I also didn't put enough garlic in it and that made the thing seem very bland. I will definitely try these recipes now. I think that I give up on the more complicated food too...
  12. Dybbuk Jones

    Places to visit in Sikkim

    The Pang Lhabsol festival is very fun. It happens in early September but I don't know if you are going to be around soon. There are some beautiful dances, especially warrior dances. It commemorates some local deity and Buddha but I'm not certain of the details. It's just very flashy and...
  13. Dybbuk Jones

    Marrying a Foreigner in India

    The Special Marriage Act of 1954 allows for Indians of different religions and Indians and foreigners to get married. Everything above is covered. There are also different marriage acts for different religions so if you want to get married in a particular religious context, check those out as well.
  14. Dybbuk Jones

    Is it easy to get in trouble in India?

    Generally tourists are given a wide berth when it comes to things that would be mess up the people within the culture. The locals may complain about the tourists but they need the money that comes from tourism.
  15. Dybbuk Jones

    Cultural Expectations?

    The left hand taboo goes across a lot of cultural lines. For all we know it might have originated with the British. Regardless, it's one of the cultural things that should be absorbed. I don't think that India is as against left hand touching as other cultures were children are encouraged to be...