I think its super important to find someone who is a compliment to your personality. I am not very good at forward planning and tend to just...
Ah I forgot! I always take a role of duct tape with me when I am traveling ever. I have had my case break far too many times and duct tape is...
I will admit I am quite rude and it takes a lot of effort to not offend people that I interact with on a daily basis let alone when I am...
To be honest I don't know much about tattoo practices in India but I would have a look about before you commit to anything, ask to see things like...
While I do agree that no one should make you feel bad about traveling I think that your being a bit aggressive about it. Sure if someone said that...
I think this would be a thing but I have never heard of it. I think an employable detective would only be used with some very high profile...
Hmm I will agree with most people here, a phone is essential! I would advise everyone who is traveling that they should pick up a sim card in...
Separate names with a comma.