Recent content by Ilivewhereistand

  1. Ilivewhereistand

    The Taj Mahal

    Does anyone still live in the Taj Mahal? What was it originally built for? I know I can probably just google these things, but it would be cool to hear the background from someone that is a native of India.
  2. Ilivewhereistand

    Where Does The Dalai Lama Live In India?

    The Dalai Lama lives in Tibet. I'm not sure where you got the idea that he lives in India. He is of Tibetan descent. China claims that Tibet is a integral part of their country, when in actuality it stands alone as it's own territory.
  3. Ilivewhereistand

    Does Delhi Have Casinos?

    Very interesting. As someone that lived in Vegas I wonder if there is still a chance to get in on the casino industry in India. It's probably for the best that they don't have casinos everywhere. Here in the US you can pretty much find a casino within an hour of anywhere you are at.
  4. Ilivewhereistand

    Tickets To India From Usa

    It seems that flights from pretty much anywhere in the U.S. would range from 600 to 1000 dollars one way. It would also depend what are of India you are flying into. You may want to check with some of your local travel agencies as they can sometimes help to find you good deals. Be comfortable...
  5. Ilivewhereistand

    Mountaineering In Nepal

    How much does it cost to get a guide for the day around Everest? I know that most of these climbers hire the local sherpas to take them up the mountain. I've seen that they don't get paid much, how much I'm not exactly sure.
  6. Ilivewhereistand

    Countries You Would Never Visit?

    Outside of the middle eastern war torn countries I think there would be a few. For me one would be North Korea. I'm not so sure they wouldn't accuse me of being a spy and try to execute me. Another one would be Indonesia because they seem to strict with a lot of their laws.
  7. Ilivewhereistand

    What Are Your Best Travel Tips?

    Mine are as follows: 1) Always keep your valuables in your front pockets. 2)Remember to bring a translator with you. 3) Remember to keep your passport in a safe place where ever you might be staying at.
  8. Ilivewhereistand

    Traffic In India

    I thought the Bay Area was bad until I caught a glimpse of this video.This guy on his scooter captures what it's like to ride through traffic in some parts of India. For me this would just be too overwhelming. It would mess with me even if I wasn't the driver.
  9. Ilivewhereistand

    Standing Babas

    What is the purpose of that? Why is the guy nude with his leg up on a swing? I'm just wondering. Seems kind of odd, but I guess so do a lot of foreign customs that we are not familiar with.
  10. Ilivewhereistand

    Why Do Indians Have A Red Dot?

    Bindis are like jewels you put between your eyes? I think people copied some of the Indian styles of fashion when they started doing different types of dermal piercings on their face.
  11. Ilivewhereistand

    Fishing In India

    I watched an episode where Jeremy Wade of the show River Monsters fished a river in India and caught some huge catfish that had teeth. I think they were called Goonch. That would be a pretty cool fight. Not sure if I would travel there though. He was showing how they burn the bodies of dead...
  12. Ilivewhereistand

    Best Areas For Partying?

    Silent noise seems like an interesting concept. I don't know if I could get into a club if I had to wear headphones. How are you supposed to talk to women when you can't even hear your ownself haha. Is Delhi the premiere big city for nightlife?