What a wonderful way to really get to know the people and culture of India. Are there any tribes that would allow you to stay with them for a week or so? That would be a great experience.
There's an idea. I was wondering how to get from one place to another without a lot of hassle. I did not know there were auto rickshaws. I would guess these would be quicker than the man powered ones.
Thank you Prajesh. I did not know how much time to allot for this visit. I have always seen beautiful pictures of this palace and wanted to see it. I can't wait to take my own pictures and experience it for myself.
Check with your travel agent and see if there is anything going on in the place you wish to visit. I would also definitely avoid monsoon season unless you just enjoy being wet all the time.
I have not been but it does sound like you could get a good taste of the culture. Please don't go alone. It's always good to have a traveling companion. And....enjoy every minute of the festival.
I didn't realize India is famous for it's desserts. Looking at some of them, I can see why. The one that I would really like to sample is Tamil-Style sweet Rice Pudding. It is topped with raisins and cashews which are two of my favorites. What's your favorite dessert in India?
I've never heard of some of these fish either MarilynB. I did look up the Macrobrachuim and found that it is simply a Malaysian Prawn or large shrimp. The Pangasius is a shark catfish also good for eating.
Oh my! What a beautiful place. It looks like a tropical paradise. I like the part about buying clothes. My wife will go nuts if we decided to visit. It looks like a great place to take a second honeymoon.
I would love to go on a safari but don't fancy getting eaten by a tiger. I like violet's idea of staying in a cottage where it's rather safe. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!!
The one place I definitely want to visit in India is the Taj Mahal. If you have been there, please tell me how long did you spend inside? Is it beautiful and can you take pictures inside?
The pictures of the Himalayan mountains and foothills are beautiful. I understand there are some parks that cater to children in the foothills. They have all kinds of safaris and activities for the children.
If possible I would take someone with me the first time I went to a flea market that knew how to get around these things. I'm sure the hotel could recommend someone that is trustworthy.
Thanks Vinaya. I wouldn't begin to know which temple was used in the movie or it may have been a movie set. However, after researching these temples I would definitely like to see some of them. They are beautiful!!
I know this sounds crazy but ever since I saw the movie "The Golden Child" I have wanted to see that temple in Nepal. Does anyone know which one it was and how to get there?
Did you bring snacks with you on the way over? I always put a snack bar or two in my carry on bag when I travel. Surely you would be allowed to do the same on the way back. How many sweets are you planning on taking?
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