Recent content by rz3300

  1. rz3300

    Fun Things To Do With Friends

    Well the good news is that there is really not limit on the things that you can find to do with others, and it just all depends on the time and how much you do your research before hand. For us, the sight seeing and taking in the culture was enough, but there were others that were with who did...
  2. rz3300

    What is the thing you least look forward to before travelling to India?

    Well I do not have an upcoming trip, but I really wish that I did, but learning from my experiences the first time, I would definitely be a little weary of the heat. Of course it depends on where you go and at what time of year, but when we were there it was pretty brutal towards the end. The...
  3. rz3300

    Finding Travel Partners Online

    Well with this one you should probably stress the importance of proceeding with caution. I think we all know that it is risky meeting people online, and you certainly do not want to end up on a trip with someone that you do not know too well. That said, maybe the whole having to go on a trip...
  4. rz3300

    What Gifts To Take To India?

    Well to be completely honest I had no idea that in some cultures it was only acceptable for non-family members to give money. I guess it just goes to show you how in touch with other cultures I am. I think that it also shows the importance of doing your research before you travel anywhere. It...
  5. rz3300

    Resort with private pool in Munnar

    Well I think that it would have really been outside of the feel that we were going for to have a private pool, but at the same time it would have been really nice to beat the heat. There were times when we were over there when we barely got around because we had to take so many breaks due to...
  6. rz3300

    South India temples tour

    Well this is something that we were not able to do while we were over there, but I have to say that it sounds like a great way to really experience the history of the country. I would like to think that overall we did a pretty good job at this, but this would definitely add a little something...
  7. rz3300

    Speaking English in Chennai

    Well I cannot speak to this specific area, but when we were over there we found it very easy to speak English and communicate well with most people. I tried my best to speak the language, and the locals certainly appreciated that, and therefore they were polite and welcoming in nearly every...
  8. rz3300

    Spice Plants in Munnar

    Well unfortunately anytime that I would be visiting it would be via plane, so the only time I would be able to utilize this would be if it were for an extended stay. I would love for that to happen, but it is not in the works anytime soon so I am not sure it will ever happen. I am sure that...
  9. rz3300

    Rain In Chennai

    Well I hope that the people and the government can do their part to fix the infrastructure that was the cause of the flooding. I knew that it rained in India a lot, and even when we were there it was off an on pretty repeatedly, and when it came down it came down hard. This sounds terrible...
  10. rz3300

    Nude Beaches In India

    Well we did not come across any nude beaches when we were there, but I am pretty sure that India might not be the best place for them, like @EdmondE points out above. That said, though, it is a big country so I am sure somewhere you look there is maybe something. There are certainly plenty of...
  11. rz3300

    What is the Indian monument you visited that you liked the most?

    Yeah, we went to the Taj Mahal too, and sure enough, it is the one monument that I will always remember in vivid detail...from that trip anyways. You just grow up seeing all these pictures of it and you wonder what it is actually like in person, so when you get the chance to actually see it you...
  12. rz3300

    2 Or 3 Year Visa

    You really have to look at that and just kind of shake your head at all the hoops that you have to jump through just to travel. I get it, there are all sorts of concerns that come into play, but just on some level it is still weird to think about. All you want to do is set foot on another...
  13. rz3300

    Traffic In Bangalore

    Well if there was one thing that I was glad we did not see in India, it was traffic. We were never in any really urban place or city so it was never really an issue for us, but other people that we traveled with certainly had some horror stories for themselves. We were lucky too because I know...
  14. rz3300

    Best history museums

    Well if there was one thing that was never really out of reach from us while we were over there it was cultural experience and historical relevance. I cannot really recall seeing many museums, but there were plenty of other ways to learn about the history of India and their traditions. I am...
  15. rz3300

    Instagram For Travel Inspiration

    Well overall I am really not a big user of social media, but I have gotten pretty good at finding the qualities of each that I like and limiting myself to using only those features, so that is pretty nice. Facebook is connecting with old friends and nothing more, Pinterest is good for work...