Recent content by Singh7

  1. S

    Places to see in Himachal Pradesh

    Thanks for the information iamawriter, but I actually just wanted to know about places in Himachal Pradesh and not places in Punjab. @ Shiv - Would you suggest going to Chail as well?
  2. S

    Places to see in Himachal Pradesh

    Thanks for responding. No there is no particular distance we have to travel within, we are willing to go as far as need be to visit the destination.
  3. S

    Places to see in Himachal Pradesh

    My wife and I will be visiting our hometown in Punjab and during our stay there we would like to spend some time in Himachal Pradesh. We would like some guidance to the places to see in Himachal Pradesh, as there are so many places and destinations to visit we don't even know where to start. We...