cancellation charges

  1. T

    Cancellation charge of railway ticket

    I have a railway ticket booked for the 19th January from Nagpur to Jaipur. I am not required to go anymore and would need to cancel the ticket. I would like to find out what the cancellation charge of railway ticket is, if it is a lot then I might as well carry on with the journey if not then I...
  2. S

    How to cancel IRCTC ticket

    I had booked a ticket last month from Mumbai to Delhi. Unfortunately due to some personal issues I can not travel to Delhi yet, so I need to cancel the train ticket. I need to know how to cancel IRCTC ticket and whether I would get my full refund back. The train ticket was for 7th September 2016.
  3. K

    Air India ticket cancellation charges

    I have an Air India ticket which I have booked for next month, but due to some personal reasons I am now unable to travel, I wanted to know what the cancellation charges are? What would be the refund procedure? I am in the hope they would not be a lot if I reschedule the dates to fly out how...