hauz khas

  1. P

    Nearest Metro Station To Hauz Khas Village

    I am meeting with a couple of friends and the location has been decided as Hauz Khas village. As I am new in Delhi I would like to know which is the nearest metro station to Hauz Khas Village and how far I would need to travel to reach my destination?
  2. S

    Hauz Khas Village nearest metro station

    I need to get to Hauz Khas Village and getting there in a car is not something I want to do, as the traffic in Delhi is awful. I would rather get the metro to wherever I need to go. I know Hauz Khaz does not have a metro station, so would like to know the nearest metro station to it.
  3. J

    How to reach Hauz Khas Fort?

    I am from Delhi and have been living here for the past eight years, and it was only until recent I found out that there is a fort in Hauz Khas, an area in Delhi which I have never been to. I would like some help in finding out how to reach Hauz Khas Fort? Is there a metro station close by or...