
  1. R

    Hotels in Mahabaleshwar with tariff

    I have joined this travel forum so that I can get some help in finding hotels in Mahabaleshwar. I am looking for a mid range hotel, which is decent with a good bathroom but is rated mid-range. I would like the forum members to provide some hotels in Mahabaleshwar with tariff details as well...
  2. F

    Hotels in Manali with tariff

    I am looking for a double room hotel in Manali with tariff details. I have been searching on the internet and have seen a few hotels, but not clear to whether the reviews given are genuine or fake, plus unless you know about the place you can not judge what a hotel is like from just photos. I...
  3. T

    Resorts in Wayanad with Tariff

    I am looking for some resorts in Wayanad, but can not tell whether the resorts are good or not, and I am really bad when it comes to choosing accommodation while on holiday. I have thought that maybe asking on the forum would be a much better idea, and here I am. I need to know about some good...