
  1. briannagodess

    Andhra Pradesh Tourism

    Overview Andhra Pradesh is one of the southern states of India, located specifically in the southeastern side of the country. Recently, in the year 2014, the northwestern part of the state was separated to form a new state named as Telangana. In itself, Andhra Pradesh has a very rich history...
  2. djtravels

    Schedule for Marathons and benefits as a tourist

    Backpacking will only get you so far in experiencing a city. The real way to experience a city is to run in one of the major events. The best way to experience a city is to inter-mingle with its people. And events like the ones mentioned below bring out people from all walks of life. You get to...
  3. briannagodess

    Assam Tourism

    Assam is one of the eight states in the Northeastern part of India. It is comprised mostly of the valleys of Brahmaputra and Barak. Assam and the rest of the Northeastern states are connected to the rest of the country via the Siliguri Corridor or the Chicken's Neck, a 22-kilometre small strip...
  4. R

    Did you know TN had the largest number of tourists this year?

    I was surprised to find out that TN is the most visited state in the country right now. I'm more or less from the state and while it's a great place, I find it strange that it is more popular than Goa, Kerala, UP and Rajasthan. I would have thought it would be somewhere in the middle of the...