
  1. K

    Indian Wine?

    I see a discussion here on Indian beer but what about wine? Wine is my favorite alcoholic beverage and I would love to find a favorite Indian wine if there is such a thing.
  2. amelia88

    Wine Tourism In India

    I read a great article today about wine tourism and its' rise in popularity in India. You can read the full article here: Wine tourism: India's rush to the vineyards- Nikkei Asian Review Here's a little from the article though: "Increased government support, an easing of alcohol-related laws...
  3. J

    Wine shops and alcohol in Pushkar

    Hi I was just going through some posts and found that being a holy city, alcohol consumption is forbidden in Pushkar. Is that true? Is it forbidden for Hindu's only or nobody is allowed to consume alcohol in Pushkar? Is there any wine shop available in or around Pushkar, I was wondering if...