

New Member
I think that Airbnb is a great option for those looking for a place to stay in their trips. In the case of India, I'd like to ask, anyone used the site to stay there and how was the experience? I think that the rating systems are a great help, but even so nothing like reading a first hand testimony.
I have seen adverts on TV for Airbnb, can someone please explain what this exactly is and how it works.

It is supposed to be a cheap accommodation option, is this true?
Airbnb is an online community which helps people find suitable accommodation for rent and also allows people to put their property on rent. You can search by the type of accommodation, cost, and location. Travelers can book accommodation from the Airbnb website or the mobile application and is available in 192 countries.
It is the most liked online site to find the accommodations by the traveler and for those who want to provide their services. You can get the reviews, cost, pictures of the place where you have decided to stay.