Ashrams to Stay in Varanasi


New Member
I will be in India soon and will be mainly be visiting religious places along with the famous tourist areas as well. I will first be in Dehradun and make my way to Varanasi where I will spend around six days.
Throughout my trip, I will be staying at small and cheap accommodations like guesthouses, and I when in Varanasi I know there are a lot of ashrams.
I would like to know what ashrams to stay in Varanasi, please mention is the ashram have any special facilities like WiFi (it's a long shot, but trying my luck ;))
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Here's a list of a few ashram accommodations in Varanasi:

  • Sadhu Bela Ashram
  • Mata Anandmai Ashram
  • Radha Swami Bag
  • Kabir Math
  • Shankaracharya Math
  • Jangambari Math
  • Karpatri Ji Math
  • Dandi Swami Math
  • Dharm Sangh
  • Nirajani Akhanra
  • Satua Baba Ashram
These are all free ashram accommodations. You can stay in any of them while you are in Varanasi. A few notes though:
  • Make sure you ask permission a few weeks before your trip to Varanasi to stay in any of these ashrams.
  • The ashrams are places strictly for spiritual enlightenment.
  • You would need to participate in all four daily sessions of meditations and prayers.
  • Provide service for at least two hours in a day, be it cleaning, washing dishes or cooking.
I hope this helps!