This is difficult to answer, because good quality clothes are not always cheap. Many Indians pay for high fashion, and wear very beautiful and expensive versions of their cultural clothing. Just as I wear expensive suits, they can wear expensive clothes. What you should do is set aside a budget you are willing to spend, and just look at the many sources to see something you like. Much of the clothing is not always based on quality, but how it looks, by the cut. Some might be the best match for you, but a little bad in the stitching, or the best quality might not be attractive. Clothing and fashion is very dependent on taste, so focus on what you like before all other considerations. That said, there are too many options to consider. Personally, I prefer the malls, since you can see an assortment of stores in a nice setting. But there are markets, and shops, vendors all around, and each can have a bit of a specialty. Also, more Western shops will have seasonal changes, where certain colors dominate as part of their collection. Just keep a look out for what looks nice.