Crossing the border at Wagah Border

Discussion in 'Pakistan' started by Shaila, May 20, 2015.

  1. Shaila

    Shaila New Member

    It has always been a thought of maybe visiting Pakistan to see what it is like and seeing some famous places there, but I think the actual relationships of the country kind of makes you change your mind. However there are a lot of Indian origin people who go to Pakistan and come back safely and only praise the place.
    Although I have no recent plans yet to visit Pakistan I would like to get some information, which I hope I will get answers to.

    Are we able to go to Pakistan from the Wagah Border?

    Are there any restrictions or problems when wanting to cross borders?

    Would it be better making your own arrangements or maybe taking the bus which goes there (I am talking about the bus where people go to see the Gurudwara's)?

  2. Chahal

    Chahal ਜੱਟ ਕੀ ਤੇ ਘੱਟ ਕੀ Staff Member

    Yes you can cross the Wagah border to go to Pakistan if you have the appropriate visa and permissions. You cannot take your own vehicle so you are left with two options and those are walk to the other side on foot and other is to take a bus from Delhi that would take you upto Lahore.

  3. ChaiNashta

    ChaiNashta Active Member

    Just so you know that the Pakistani visa you would get will have the name of cities and towns mentioned on it and you cannot go anywhere else so plan accordingly.
  4. Arpit

    Arpit New Member

    At the time of crossing I heard that there are so many formalities and paper work that needs to be done. I find it a bit silly that you can only visit the places that you mention with your visa application.
  5. Harshit

    Harshit New Member

    Taking a bus would be the best option especially if you are unsure about the formalities and all. The bus leaves from Delhi and goes to Lahore and this is not a bus for the Gurudwara's, those trips are conducted but in another bus not the Delhi to Lahore bus.
  6. bragadish

    bragadish Member

    Yes you can access it provided you have the VISA.If you enter illegally you will be shot at without any notice.Take your own arrangement.its a 30 Kms journey from Amritsar (Golden Temple)

    To all foreigners here.Wagah border is a line drawn across 2 heavy gates 3 metres apart.
    Its more like a patriotic fervor when they lower the flag and if you are an Indian/Pakistani you will love it,because it is a symbolic show of unity between the nations.
    Wagah border experience cannot be written,you have to experience it.Not enough adjectives to befit the ceremony.
  7. kokosflocken

    kokosflocken New Member

    It sounds amazing. I've always wanted to go, but I've never looked into the formalities or actually made any plans. But I might! I'd love to know some more tips on traveling there. I'd especially like to visit some of the hilly or mountainous regions. The pictures I've seen on the internet look fabulous.