I've seen just how big those farmers' markets are in the USA - California, for example! Huge crates of certified organic apples lined up in long rows. How would India's farmers markets' compare?
How do the freshness, variety and quality of the fruit compare between the stores and the Farmers' Markets? Have tourists been known to bargain more successfully at Farmers Markets'? I'm not looking for cheaper prices, but would like to be able to negotiate for bulk quantities if I like what I see, or if I find certain fruits of a certain quality that I believe would be difficult to get elsewhere. I have also been known to pay more if I get on well with the seller or if they give better service.
Is tipping expected or encouraged at Farmers' Markets in India? Is the rule between 5% and 10%? I have to ask, as Aussies don't tip and all the other countries I've visited also don't expect tips.