Rob Holden
New Member
Hello everyone,
Me and my partner are planning a visit to India some time end of Feb or beginning of March but before we finalize anything we want to make sure that we wont get into trouble being a gay couple in India. I have been to many countries where homosexuality is illegal but is socially not frowned upon and Ive been told India is one of such countries where being Gay is not gonna get us killed so just looking for first hand information from openly gay couples in India or tourists who have been there and their experiences.
I am especially concerned about sharing the same room and how the hotel staff would take two males in the same room.
I hope I can get some useful feedback.
Me and my partner are planning a visit to India some time end of Feb or beginning of March but before we finalize anything we want to make sure that we wont get into trouble being a gay couple in India. I have been to many countries where homosexuality is illegal but is socially not frowned upon and Ive been told India is one of such countries where being Gay is not gonna get us killed so just looking for first hand information from openly gay couples in India or tourists who have been there and their experiences.
I am especially concerned about sharing the same room and how the hotel staff would take two males in the same room.
I hope I can get some useful feedback.