help in planning and travel route between Madhya Pradesh /Assam

Ilan lankry

New Member

I request your help in planning and travel route between Madhya Pradesh /Assam area destinations-30-35 days in March.

Read about the area and the targets but hard to arrange the travel between destinations.

I travel in style backpacker, traveling in local buses/ trains and local food.

Love to go to see and experience local life, see festivals, visiting temples, palaces and cities/markets

I ask also recommend hikes in the beautiful and famous locations (from one day to a week).

(Prefer to travel alone, so if need to hire Porter). Ask for names of tracks and a place where beginners and finishing. I will read and choose the places where i do.

In order not to waste time I plan a flight farom new dlhi in priority to the last place arrangement and heading on Bohol and from there continue the planning (probably Calcutta).

Earlier this year I traveled about 25 days in South India

I would love to help the experts Forum.

Thank you