How to reach Haridwar from Delhi?
The distance between Delhi and Haridwar is about 239.8 kms. You have
several transportation options:
1. The first one would be via train. I'd consider this the most convenient, cheapest and fastest way to reach Haridwar from Delhi. There are about 19 trains reaching Haridwar from Delhi. Travel time varies but it's between four to five hours at the most. Here are your best train options:
- Dehradun Shatabdi Train No. 12017 - This train departs daily at 6:45 and arrives at 11:22.
- Dehradun Express Train No. 22659 - This train runs every Sunday. Departure is at 11:00 and arrival time is at 15:35.
- Valsad Haridwar Express Train No. 12911 - This train runs every Wednesday. Departure is at 11:00 and arrival is at 16:05.
- Dehradun Jan Shatabdi Train No. 12055 - This train runs everyday at 15:20 and arrives at 19:32.
2. Your next option would be via state buses. State buses leave from Kashmiri Gate to Haridwar. One bus timing I was able to find:
- Delhi to Haridwar State Bus - Departs at 9:45 am from the Kashmiri Gate.
3. Your last option would be via private buses. It's more advisable to ride state buses as they're cheaper and convenient. But if you have no choice, here are some timings for private buses:
- International Tourist Center (AC Seater/Sleeper) - Departs at 11:30 pm and arrives at 5:00 am. Fare is at Rs. 450 to Rs. 599.
- AG Holidays (Tata AC Seater) - Departs at 11:30 pm and arrives at 5:10 am. Fare is at Rs. 449.
- Kings Holiday Tours (AC Seater) - Departs at 9:30 pm and arrives at 5:00 am. Fare is at Rs. 499.
Is it better to drive or take public transport?
It really depends upon your preference. If it's just you, then you can opt for public transportation. It's cheaper and more convenient. You won't have to find parking spaces or even gas stations.
However, if you have elderly people or young children with you, it's better to bring your own car. Since these people are more vulnerable, they would benefit more with having your own vehicle. You can control your stopovers as well.
Are there direct trains or buses between Delhi and Haridwar?
Yes, there are many direct trains and buses from Delhi to Haridwar, like I've mentioned above.
What are the roads like between Delhi and Haridwar?
The route you have to take would be:
- Delhi > Meerut > Muzaffarnagar > Roorkee > Haridwar
From Delhi to Muzaffarnagar, the roads are in good condition. Back then, the roads from Muzzaffarnagar to Roorkee are not four-laned. But I know last year that they started reconstructing the roads into four lanes. That might be finished by now, so overall, this route is good for driving.
I hope this helps!