If There Was One Place..


New Member
If there was one place that you could retire at.. Where would it be?

Definitely for me it'd be Fiji. There's something majestic about those islands that really grabs my attention. But on the other hand, I want to spend most of my time in India (it's where my heart is, and never left!).

I just love the idea of always being near a happy beach atmosphere. Maybe it's because I've always loved the ocean. *Shrug*


My favourite place would be some sleepy little town in a more developed country in Europe like Poland or Austria. I would enjoy the nature and my retired years and the culture and food around me.
I would also travel a lot.
I am more of a nature person. I don't know if I have a specific location, but as long as I can garden and run a small self sufficient farm I would be happy.
Fiji is somewhere that is on my bucket list - and the picture you posted definitely made me want to go there even more!

I think for me it would have to be somewhere coastal, but still somewhere that was accessible to the city for things that I would need. So for that reason I would probably say Hawaii, but one of the lesser populated islands like Maui rather than Oahu. Either that or New Zealand because it's just so stunningly beautiful and the nature is not polluted or anything like that. It feels so fresh and clean there!
For me it would be either New York or Los Angeles. If been on holiday in most parts of the world, but them two places are the only cities were I've thought I could actually live here, and I wasn't ready to go back home.

I know going to a place on holiday and actually living there are two entirely different things, but I felt at home there and I definitely plan on going back and at least staying for an extended length of time with a view to living there one day.
I don't want to retire on an island all by myself. I think I want to retire in a small town with a lot of friends and family. Somewhere in Italy or a cute coastal town in France. Anything that has great food, music and good people. I don't care where I am. I just want to be surrounded by people who will help me and look out for me.
I think I'd want to retire in a small European country. It doesn't necessarily have to be tiny, but it has to be beautiful. Sometimes I just daydream of buying a home in maybe Slovakia or something. The language is a problem, but I have a friend there that would (hopefully) help me get around. But the country is really beautiful and it's just.. I don't know. A lot of the smaller, less popular European countries often look like they came straight out of a medieval-themed Disney fairy tale, and I really do have a thing for that.
Fiji is anywhere that is on my container list - and the depiction you sent definitely made me want to go there even more! I reason for me it would have to be somewhere seaside, but still anywhere that was accessible to the city for things that I would essentially need. So for that motive I would probably say Hawaii, but one of the lesser occupied islands like Maui rather than Oahu. Either that or New Zealand because it's just so strikingly good-looking and the nature is not contaminated or anything like that. It feels so new and spotless there!
Well I love Bali, Indonesia and that's where I would want to retire. It's almost like Fiji with the tranquil environs.
Fiji is a great place to live. I have no preferences for places but I'd love to live near the sea or in the mountains or by a lake by the end of my life. I suppose this preference can fit anywhere but I could live in the Netherlands where it's cold, or somewhere in Asia where it's hot and the seas are blue or in Canada where the mountains are clean.
I think I already replied to a similar thread. I never thought about where I would like to retire. For me it was always with who. I am that kind of person who likes to pamper the partner and if she would decide a place to retire is a forest I would go and build a small house for us. It sounds romantic and I am but that is why I am single. That and I am not very pretty either :). So I go by the famous song by L. Cohen. I'm Your Man.
If I had a choice it would either be Costa rica. But realistically I'd like to retire not too far away from home and family so if choose Palm Springs California it's nice and quite and seems like a perfect destination for retirees.