Katra to Vaishno Devi Temple distance


New Member
I will have a small child with me when visiting Vaishno Devi, and I would like to know what the Katra to Vaishno Devi Temple distance is?

Our plan was to walk to the temple from Katra, but I have been told the distance is a lot, no one is sure of the exact distance, but knowing this will allow me to know whether the time of the year I am going is good with a small child or not.

Getting a helicopter is an easy option, but it is not in my budget.
Hello, @Puneet! Welcome to the forum!

I will have a small child with me when visiting Vaishno Devi, and I would like to know what the Katra to Vaishno Devi Temple distance is?

The distance between Katra and the Vaishno Devi Temple is about 12 kilometres. To cover this distance by walking, you would need at least six hours. With stopovers, the journey time can be longer. Just remember that this is only for a one-way distance, so you have to double the number of hours if you would be considering the way back. You can also opt for a pony ride, which can cover the distance in less hours. Here are your options and how much time it will take to reach the temple:
  • Helicopter - You mentioned that this is not in your budget and that's understandable as it is for Rs. 1,170 for a one-way ride. But with this, you can reach the temple in just eight minutes.
  • Palki - This is mainly used by the elderly. It is about Rs. 3,000 and roughly takes 6 hours to cover the distance.
  • Pony - This can be used by devotees who are ill or weak or those who are just not too strong enough to walk the distance. It is for Rs. 700 and can take about 2 hours to cover the distance.
  • Pitthu - You can hire this for carrying your luggage or even small babies. It's for Rs. 260.
If you're aiming to visit the Ardh Kuari as well, the distance is also the same but you'd stop halfway to your journey. It's about 6 kms from Katra to Ardh Kuari and about 6 kms from Ardh Kuari to Vaishno Devi. Through walking, you can cover both distances in about 3 hours each so it's roughly the same as the first one. However, you need to line up for the Ardh Kuari which can add to your journey time. Here are your options for reaching the Ardh Kuari:
  • Pony - This is for Rs. 380 per one pony and can cover the distance in about an hour.
  • Pitthu - This is for Rs. 140 and can take three hours to cover the distance.
From Ardhu Kuari to the Vaishno Devi, the rates are same for the above. With walking, you can reach the temple in about three hours from the Ardh Kuari. But additionally, for the elderly, they can use:
  • Electric Vans - This is for the elderly or the handicapped and costs Rs. 300. It can reach the temple in about 30 minutes.
I hope this helps!