Leh Ladakh Bike Trip Itinerary

Discussion in 'Itinerary' started by RobinDeol, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. RobinDeol

    RobinDeol New Member

    One of my biggest dreams was to go on a bike ride to Leh Ladakh, and it is finally going to come true this summer. Together with some friends we have planned a bike trip in the month of May. None of us have been on a long journey bike ride so it would be the first for all of us. Leh Ladakh is a popular destination for bikers and us bikers need some advice and help for our journey.

    We need a Leh Ladakh bike trip itinerary which would also mention the destinations we would come across on the motorcycle ride, along with details of where to stop over and where to get our tanks filled with petrol.

    Some help with what to take along with us would also help as I have mentioned this is the first time for a long journey. Any other information would be a bonus for us.

    We have decided that the trip would be a duration of 10-12 days if you think that it should be longer, please suggest and work according to the days we have.

  2. KK

    KK Member

    Where will you be starting your journey from?

    Are there any specific places you would like to see that would be included in the itinerary?

  3. RobinDeol

    RobinDeol New Member

    Sorry I forgot to mention the start location. I will be starting from Gurgaon (Delhi).

    I don't know much about Leh or the places to visit in Leh, so I would leave it up to to add in places to see.
  4. KK

    KK Member

    Below is an itinerary from Delhi to Leh, which includes the places you should visit. I think that ten days will not be enough, and it has been created for 14 days which allows you to see most of the Leh region and get a good experience of the place.

    Day 1: Delhi - Chandigarh
    Day 2: Chandigarh - Jammu
    Day 3: Jammu - Srinagar
    Day 4: Srinagar - Sonamarg - Zoji La - Drass (visit the Drass War Memorial) - Kargil
    Day 5: Kargil - Lamayuru - Leh
    Day 6: Leh sightseeing (you would need to get a permit for Pangong Tso and Nubra Valley).
    Day 7: Leh - Khardung La - Nubra Valley (Spend some time sightseeing at Nubra Valley).
    Day 8: Turtuk - Tayakshi - Diskit -Sumur - Panamik - Sumur (Visit the Diskit Monastery and Hunder Sand Dunes).
    Day 9: Back to Leh
    Day 10: Leh - Chang La - Pangong Tso (spend some time at the Pangong Tso). Head back to Leh
    Day 11: Leh - Upshi - Chumathang - Tso Moriri (visit Chumathang if you wish to see a village and also visit the Tso Moriri Lake)
    Day 12: Sarchu - Darcha - Manali
    Day 13: Manali - Chandigarh
    Day 14: Chandigarh - Delhi

    Overnight stays
    Day 1 stay in Chandigarh
    Day 2 stay in Jammu
    Day 3 stay in Srinagar
    Day 4 stay in Kargil
    On day eight remain in Diskit or Hunder
    On day 11 stay near Tso Moriri where you will find home stays and camps. Find accommodation before night to get availability and a good deal.
    Day 12 stay in Manali
    Day 13 in Chandigarh

    Preparing for the trip
    Make sure you have you bike checked by a reputed mechanic, be sure to have the smallest of things checked.
    Take a small first aid box with you, with all the necessary medicines such as painkillers, anti-inflammatories, band aids. A packet of glucose tablets will be good if all of a sudden you get low on energy.
    Make sure you have enough water on hand in case you are not able to find a shop quick enough to purpose a bottle of water.
    Have handy with you a small bike repair kit, screwdriver set, torch, engine oil, gear oil, petrol pipe.

    Documents to keep handy with you are your:
    Drivers license
    Bike papers
    Pollution check papers
    Insurance papers
    Proof of nationality

    Petrol Pumps from Srinagar to Leh
    You will easily find petrol pumps from Delhi to Srinagar. It is from Srinagar where it will be difficult to find a petrol pumps. The places where you should get some refuelling done are Srinagar itself, Sonmarg, Kargil, Drass and Khaltse.