Live theater suggestions

Does anyone have suggestions for live theater? I love to see plays, but would also be interested in theater or other performances, such as at festivals.

I don't speak any of the local languages, though, so for theater, I was wondering if there are playhouses where any plays are performed in English? I have found a few.

I have discovered that these do performances in English:

1. The National Center for Performing Arts in Mumbai

2. Dramanon, which is an acting group that has locations in Manipal, Bangalore & Hyderabad

3. Masquarade is a purely English-speaking theater group, I think, in Chennai.

Have any locals enjoyed shows at any of these? Or have other suggestions for English theater in India?
Does anyone have suggestions for live theater? Have any locals enjoyed shows at any of these? Or have other suggestions for English theater in India?

All cities have theaters that host plays, local and English.

Beyond the above 3 mentioned by you, there is the Gaiety theater in Shimla. Its one of the oldest theaters of its kind in the world. They have English as well as local plays, but the schedule is something that you'll have to check yourself.

Also, I would suggest googling "buzzintown" and visiting the website that pops up. From there, just choose your city and you will find an array of plays, events, art exhibitions and the like in the city of your choosing.
You're on the right track! Those are all great starting points for finding English theater in India. Here's some additional info to help you out:

Your discoveries:

National Center for Performing Arts (NCPA) in Mumbai: This is a top venue with a varied program. They often have international productions, visiting artists, and Indian plays in English.

Dramanon: A respected group known for quality productions. Check their website or social media for upcoming shows in English across their branches.

Masquarade in Chennai: Focusing entirely on English productions, this is a perfect choice. Their website should have details on their upcoming season.

Local Recommendations:

Look for online reviews or social media posts about recent productions at these venues.

Ask your hotel concierge for recommendations on current shows in English.

Many cities have active theater communities with websites or social media pages listing upcoming productions.


While Indian festivals often focus on music and dance, some contemporary theater festivals might have English productions. Look for listings of upcoming festivals in the cities you visit. Here are a few examples:

Jagran Spirit of Independence Literature Festival: Sometimes features performances alongside readings and discussions.

Prithvi Theatre Festival (Mumbai):

By combining your research with local insights and exploring festivals, you're sure to find some amazing English theater experiences in India!