Meeting A Guru


New Member
How would one go about learning about and spending time with a Guru (or more than one) while visiting India? I've read that it's a very personal experience and one's soul has to be ready and open to accept the right Guru when they meet. I'm fascinated by it and would like to see about experiencing it firsthand.
I am a follower of H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar. I heard his voice for the first time when I was doing a course from Art of Living and I felt the connection. I attended his program a few months later but could only see him from a distance. But whenever I meet him, mere silence is enough. His presence alone is enough to uplift me. I really feel blessed to have a spiritual master in my life.
If you are a followers of an Indian Guru, you can meet him when you are in India. Interestingly,these days most of the Indian Gurus seem to be living in the Western World.
If you know who the rich gurus are then it is easy for you to be able to meet them, because their wealth has all to do with the number of people they have met and 'blessed' them

Here are 5


Yoga guru Baba Ramdev

Shri Shri Ravi Shanker

Santa Shri Asaram Ji Babu

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insaan

It will be easy to contact them as they will have their own websites.
The best place meet a guru is the Iskcon temple in Mumbai which is known as Hare Rama Hare Krishna temple. A lot of people attend the Art of Living programs headed by Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar. I have seen a lot of foreigners enrolling in to this program and I have seen peoples lives transform after attending this program. It completly changes the way you look at life and the things around you. The things for which you have been running in your life does not seem to matter any more. You have to be there to see the change in yourself.