I am from Mumbai and need to get to Goa, and my preferred mode of transport is by train. I need some details about the Mumbai to Goa train service.
I would like to know which all trains go from Mumbai to Goa?
Which is the fastest train?
What the fare is for the fastest train?
Which is the cheapest train?
What is the journey duration for the cheapest train?
I have heard of a few people driving down to Goa, is this is a good idea?
I feel if the distance is not too much and the road conditions are good then maybe driving somewhere is the best option, I haven't done a long distance drive before, so some feedback would be useful.
Would say getting a train is better or driving from Mumbai to Goa?
I would like to know which all trains go from Mumbai to Goa?
Which is the fastest train?
What the fare is for the fastest train?
Which is the cheapest train?
What is the journey duration for the cheapest train?
I have heard of a few people driving down to Goa, is this is a good idea?
I feel if the distance is not too much and the road conditions are good then maybe driving somewhere is the best option, I haven't done a long distance drive before, so some feedback would be useful.
Would say getting a train is better or driving from Mumbai to Goa?