Nearest Metro Station To ISKCON Temple Delhi


New Member
Our relatives who are visiting us from outside of Delhi would like to go and visit the ISKCON temple. We have never been there and are not sure where it is and how we would get there.

We are considering taking them in the metro it would enjoyable for them and easy for us too, all I would like to find out is where ISKCON temple is in Delhi and which is the nearest metro station to it.

Thank you.
The main ISKCON temple in Delhi is located in Hare Krishna Hill, Main Road, Sant Nagar which is in East of Kailash. As an idea or the area, it is very close to the famous Lotus Temple.

The nearest metro station to ISKCON temple would be the Nehru Place metro station. Depending on how you prefer to travel, you can either walk it to the temple from the metro station or take an auto. The map images below explain the route by auto and walking from the metro station to the ISKCON temple.

Below is the car route from Nehru Place metro station to ISKCON temple. From outside of the station you can find an auto which would take you to the temple. When going by auto the distance between the two is 4.2km which would take you about 14 minutes to reach the temple.

nehru place metro station to iskcon temple by car.jpg

If it is feasible walking from Nehru Place metro station to ISKCON temple is much easier. The distance that you need to go is only 800 meters which would only take you 10 minutes to reach.

nehru place metro station to iskcon temple by walking.jpg

The timings of ISKCON temple are from 4.30am till 9 pm, all days of the week.