Nearest Metro Station to Rail Museum


New Member
I have wanted to take my kids to the rail museum but didn't quite find the time. I finally have some time and the weather is pleasant too, so its an ideal time to take the kids to the rail museum.
I have gone past the rail museum many times and not seen any metro station close by and I would like to know which would be the nearest metro station to the rail museum?
There are two metro stations which are close to the rail museum, one is Dhaula Kuan metro station and the other is INA metro station. Both of these stations are on different lines, Dhaula Kuan metro station is on the Airport Express line and INA metro station is on the yellow line.

The image below shows the map route from Dhaula Kuan metro station to the national rail museum. The distance between the two is 5.1km and it is not suitable to walk to museum from the metro station especially with kids. But you can take an auto from outside the metro station and it would take you around 10 minutes to reach there.

dhaula kuan metro station to rail museum.jpg

The below image shows the route from INA metro station to the rail museum, which is at a distance of 4.7km. Again walking from the station to the rail museum is not a good idea and you can instead take an auto from the station to the rail museum which would take you around 10 minutes.

ina metro station to rail museum.jpg