Nearest railway station to Diu


New Member
I want to visit Diu which is on the coast of Gujarat. I am living in Delhi, so my journey would start from Delhi. What I would like to know is if booking train tickets what station do I need to choose for arrival, as in what is the nearest railway station to Diu?
Hi there, welcome to the forum!


Sunset in Diu (Image Courtesy of Sunrise Map Logs)

Diu is located in the Diu district of the state of Daman and Diu. It is an underrated beach destination, located close to the state of Gujarat. Much like Goa, it has an assortment of Portuguese structures that give the region a distinct vibe. Unlike Goa though, it is not as visited by tourists much, probably because it isn't as advertised as a tourist destination. The beauty in that is that it remains isolated and solitary, a perfect getaway for people who are tired of the crowds of major tourist destinations in the city. Aside from the beaches, you can explore the forts, temples and churches of the region too.

Nearest Railway Stations to Diu

Nearest Railway Stations to Diu

Railway Station NameDistance from DiuTravel Time by Car
Delvada Railway Station11 Kilometres20 Minutes
Kodinar Railway Station54 Kilometres1 Hour and 20 Minutes
Hadmadiya Railway Station55 Kilometres1 Hour and 20 Minutes
Veraval Railway Station90 Kilometres2 to 3 Hours
Junagadh Railway Station157 Kilometres3 to 4 Hours

The nearest railway station to Diu is the Delvada Railway Station. This station is about 11 kilometres away from Diu. The problem is, this railway station is not directly connected to Delhi or any other major cities. It also runs on a meter-gauge line and there are only two daily trains plying from Junagadh and Veraval to it. Above, you can see the next nearest railway stations to Diu, which are the Kodinar Railway Station and the Hadmadiya Railway Station. However, these railway stations are also not connected to Delhi or other major cities. So your next best options are the railway stations of Veraval Railway Station and Junagadh Railway Station. While they are also the farthest out of these options, they are directly connected to the main cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Pune. You can opt to reach the latter two railway stations and from there, reach any of the nearest railway stations by train as well.

The Veraval Railway Station - The Nearest Railway Station to Diu

So first, we have the Veraval Railway Station, from which you can reach by a train ride from Delhi to Ahmedabad Junction first. So your route would be below:
  • Delhi > Train to Ahmedabad Junction > Train to Veraval Railway Station.
There are plenty of trains plying between Delhi to Ahmedabad Junction. Journey duration would be around 14 to 20 hours. It depends on the type of train you board and also the delays you encounter during that day.

Trains from Delhi to Ahmedabad Junction

Train Name and NumberDeparture Station - TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Varanasi Ahmedabad Express Train No. 19408Delhi Cantonment - 7:1123:55Sunday
Sultanpur Ahmedabad Express Train No. 19404Delhi Cantonment - 7:1123:55Thursday
Delhi Sarai Rohilla Porbandar Express Train No. 19264Delhi Cantonment - 8:382:10Monday and Thursday
Delhi Sarai Rohilla Porbandar Bandra Garib Rath Train No. 12215Delhi Cantonment - 9:381:10Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Chandigarh Bandra Super Fast Express Train No. 22452Delhi Cantonment - 10:021:10Sunday and Wednesday
Ala Hazrat Express Train No. 14311Delhi Cantonment - 12:206:15Sunday, Thursday and Friday
Muzaffarpur Porbandar Express Train No. 19270Delhi Cantonment - 13:307:15Monday and Tuesday

For this train, fares would be around Rs. 1,690 for 2AC, Rs. 1,185 for 3AC, Rs. 450 for SL and Rs. 260 for General. From the Ahmedabad Junction, you can ride another train going to the Veraval Railway Station. For this one, journey duration would be around 8 to 9 hours.

Trains from Ahmedabad Junction to Veraval Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Veraval Express Train No. 163347:3516:45Wednesday
Pune Veraval Express Train No. 110888:0516:45Friday
Jabalpur Somnath Express Train No. 114648:2517:25Daily except Sunday and Tuesday
Jabalpur Somnath Express Train No. 114668:2517:25Sunday and Tuesday
Ahmedabad Somnath Inter City Express Train No. 1911910:4019:30Daily
Somnath Express Train No. 1922122:106:00Daily

For this train, fares would be around Rs. 1,045 for 2AC, Rs. 745 for 3AC, Rs. 285 for SL and Rs. 160 for General. Now, from the Veraval Railway Station, you can opt to ride another train to any of the following railway stations:
  • Veraval > Train to Delvada Railway Station.
The Delvada Railway Station is the closest railway station to Diu. The problem is, as mentioned above, the train here runs on a meter gauge line. There is also only one train departing daily from Veraval to Delvada Railway Station. Journey duration would be around three hours. Fare is minimal though at Rs. 25 since this is an unreserved passenger train.

Train from Veraval Railway Station to Delvada Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Veraval Delvada Passenger Train No. 5294916:2019:55Daily
  • Veraval > Train to Kodinar Railway Station.
The Kodinar Railway Station is the next nearest station to Diu. Like the Delvada Railway Station, the train plying here is a meter gauge one too. There is also one train plying for this route although it also leaves daily. Journey duration is around 2 hours and 30 minutes. Fare is under Rs. 25 too since this is an unreserved passenger train too.

Train from Veraval Railway Station to Kodinar Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Veraval Delvada Passenger Train No. 5295411:5514:30Daily
  • Veraval > Train to Hadmadiya Railway Station.
The Hadmadiya Railway Station is about an hour or so away from Diu. Again, only a passenger train plies through this route and fare is at Rs. 10 only. It's a bit further away from Diu though so not a viable option since you need to ride a bus or taxi from here to Diu and it can cost you more.

Train from Veraval Railway Station to Hadmadiya Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Veraval Delvada Passenger Train No. 5294916:2018:57Daily

Alternatively, you can also just opt to hire a taxi or bus from the Veraval Railway Station to Diu. But if you opt for any of these train stations, you can just hire a taxi to take you to Diu as their distances aren't that far away from Diu, especially the Delvada Railway Station.

The Junagadh Railway Station - An Alternative

As an alternative, you also have the Junagadh Railway Station, although it is located a bit more distant from Diu. It is also connected to Ahmedabad just like the former railway station. Your route would be:
  • Delhi > Train to Ahmedabad Junction > Train to Junagadh Railway Station.
Since I have mentioned your train options from Delhi to Ahmedabad Junction already, I'd go right to your options from Ahmedabad Junction to Junagadh Railway Station. For this route, journey duration would be around 7 hours.

Trains from Ahmedabad Junction to Junagadh Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Veraval Express Train No. 163347:3514:30Wednesday
Pune Veraval Express Train No. 110888:0514:40Friday
Jabalpur Somnath Express Train No. 114648:2515:47Daily except Sunday and Tuesday
Jabalpur Somnath Express Train No. 114668:2515:47Sunday and Tuesday
Ahmedabad Somnath Inter City Express Train No. 1911910:4017:32Daily
Somnath Express Train No. 1922122:104:18Daily

As you can see, the trains are the same as the trains from Ahmedabad to Veraval Railway Station. For this train, fares would be around Rs. 1,415 for 1AC, Rs. 845 for 2AC, Rs. 595 for 3AC and Rs. 130 for General. Again, from the Junagadh Railway Station, you can opt to take another train, reaching these other stations:
  • Junagadh > Train to Delvada Railway Station.
The Delvada Railway Station is also directly connected to Junagadh. The train runs on a meter gauge too and is also a passenger train. Journey duration is around six hours and fares is around Rs. 35.

Train from Junagadh Railway Station to Delvada Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Junagadh Delvada Passenger Train No. 529527:1513:20Daily
  • Junagadh > Train to Hadmadiya Railway Station.
The Hadmadiya Railway Station is your other option. The same train plies this route from Junagadh. The journey duration is around 4 hours and you need to ride a bus or a taxi to reach Diu from this station.

Train from Junagadh Railway Station to Hadmadiya Railway Station

Train Name and NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeSchedule
Junagadh Delvada Passenger Train No. 529527:1512:22Daily


Despite the Delvada Railway Station being the closest to Diu, it is not directly connected to Delhi. To reach it, you need to access the next nearest railway station, directly connected to Ahmedabad, which in turn, is connected to Delhi. These are the railway stations of Veraval Railway Station and Junagadh Railway Station. These stations are directly connected to Ahmedabad Junction, which have direct train connection to Delhi. And from these two railway stations, you can reach the Delvada Railway Station, which is merely 20 minutes away from Diu.

I hope this helps you.:)