Short duration visa for research work in India

Snake Charmer

New Member

I have looked at the official website but don't seem to find any specific information about what visa I would need for doing research work on snakes in India for 4-5 weeks. I have been advised to get just a tourist visa but I don't want to be in trouble with the authorities in case I get a snake bite and need to have treatment when I will be asked questions for sure. I will carry anti venom with me in case I get bitten but some times hospitalization is still necessary so I want to prepare for every situation.

I called up the Indian consulate here in Australia and the guy who picked up the phone pretended he couldn't hear me three times in a row so I gave up on that idea and that's the reason I am resorting to asking questions on forums and this seems to be an active one for that matter.

I am not sure if your nature of research qualifies for "R" visa because for "R" visa which is provided for research work requires you to be associated with some educational institute or research institute and normally such visas are issued to those who have studies in India on a "S" visa which is a student visa.

I am not an expert on this so please do not rely on what I have said to make your decisions. It is best to call up the local embassy in Australia to to find out how to go about this. If they dont provide you accurate required info over the phone then send an e-mail instead.