Sri Lanka's Tuk Tuk Drivers Are The Best

Discussion in 'Srilanka' started by LydiaJJ, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. LydiaJJ

    LydiaJJ New Member

    I have travelled to several countries with tuk tuks - I really love riding in them - but the guys who own/run them in Sri Lanka are the best I have come across.Despite the sometimes hairy traffic conditions I feel safe, and the drivers are always so helpful and polite. (I should say that I have not been in a tuk tuk in the capital city, maybe that is different?)

  2. RajaApull

    RajaApull New Member

    Really? My experience with Sri Lanka drivers was terrible. I'm interested in knowing more of your stores because even my friends would give negative feedback on the Tuk Tuk Drivers. Do reply!

  3. LydiaJJ

    LydiaJJ New Member

    Hi RajaApull, I only used tuk tuks in Negombo, where did you have your bad experiences? Maybe it depends on the place?

    One driver saved us from being hit by a bus driver (now they are scary!!) through his skilful driving. We asked another to drive us to a shop to buy snacks - it turned out to be just a little way along the street and he wouldn't take any payment (so I just left some cash inside for him anyhow.)

    Probably the best day out we had was after we asked another guy to just drive us around randomly - show us things that people don't normally go and see. It was so much fun to get a glimpse of the area that was off the tourist trail, along with interesting details and chat.
  4. Mindy

    Mindy Member

    What, exactly, is a tuk tuk? Is it similar to a taxi cab? Is it some other type of vehicle? Does it cost a lot of money to take one?
  5. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    Similar to a taxi, yes, but open windowed and a lot smaller than a conventional car. It's usually just a bench type seat in the back and fits 2 people tops - at least the ones I have seen, anyway! And yes, the ones I have experienced in other places have been pretty economical - I would just recommend ensuring you agree to a price from point A to point B before you get in, so that there are no nasty surprises!
  6. Tabitha

    Tabitha New Member

    That sounds interesting. It would be fun having someone who is knowledgeable about the place drive you around. Obviously they are used to tourists and no doubt know what people want to see or go to. So can you negotiate a price with them?
  7. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    Generally speaking in my experience you can - I have only used them in South East Asia so far - but friends warned me before traveling to Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos that it's always best to establish a price before you get in. They had experiences where they expected one price and got something completely different!
  8. LydiaJJ

    LydiaJJ New Member

    I agree that it is best to negotiate a price, and perhaps to do that with pen and paper as a back up against misunderstandings. Ironically, I tend to tip more when someone hasn't tried to rip me off at all, so honesty pays.
    amelia88 likes this.
  9. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    Yes! I'll always tip more for honesty too, because it puts me at ease and it makes me feel like they might not get paid as much as others who rip people off. So absolutely I think their honesty pays!
    LydiaJJ likes this.
  10. Delilah

    Delilah New Member

    Oh I loved the tuk tuk guys in Negombo! They are awesome! My friends and I took one and asked him to show us around the town. It was so much fun!
  11. Kristie

    Kristie New Member

    Wow this tuk tuk stuff really sounds like fun. I have never heard of it before. Is it safe though? Can you only find them in Sri Lanka?
  12. Laeticia

    Laeticia New Member

    I have never been to Sri Lanka, but I have had experiences with tuk tuks during my trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. My experience wasn't so much fun though as the streets in Jakarta are quite dangerous.
  13. tomservo

    tomservo New Member

    Traveling by tuk tuk sounds so much fun – and a bit awkward. I have not tried it before, but I certainly would like to sometime.
  14. LydiaJJ

    LydiaJJ New Member

    I have never seen a tuk tuk with seatbelts,so I suppose they are not as safe as some transport options, and of course they are usually smaller and flimsier than solid things like cars and buses, so maybe not the best choice for someone who would think too much about those things!

    I m sure they exist in some form all over Asia, someone just mentioned Indonesia, and I know they are popular in Thailand and Cambodia.
  15. Dina

    Dina New Member

    I have heard about tuk tuks and you can find plenty of them in many Asian countries including Thailand. I am quite scared to travel in one because of its missing 4th wheel and the fact that they are driven quite fast. There is no proper balance and in some situations there can be an accident quite easily.