What Brought About Your Interest In Traveling To India?

Well, that's a tough question because there is so much reasons. The first thing that's pulling me to India are some of its beautiful cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. Then comes their great culture and history that I was interested in since very young age. Mughal architecture is gorgeous and to be honest, I would give any amount of money just to see Taj Mahal up close, haha! Also Indian music and dancing like bhangra.

What really had a big influence on my love for India is Disney's animated movie "Aladdin". Since it was my favorite cartoon as a child and since I have watched it over 30 times, it's kinda obvious that I would eventually show interest for this country.
Well, I was born and raised in India so I think it would be kind of natural to "like your country" and wanting to see more of it. I used to go on small trips every Sunday during the Monsoon season in India when I was little. Since then I have grown to liking India more and more and I really want to keep travelling and travelling. The whole of India is on my wish list and I wish to be able to say "I traveled around the whole of India" one day!
I explained before that my reason for going to India in the first place was accompanying an Indian friend of mine who was born in the USA. That was that. We are still great friends. But to be honest, I've been back without him. I was so caught up with the sites, culture and people that I had to go back a second time. My girlfriend playfully hinted that maybe I had a "special interest" more than food and music. We still laugh about that. I think once people go there one time, they will find many nice reasons to go back.
Well, I was born and raised in India so I think it would be kind of natural to "like your country" and wanting to see more of it. I used to go on small trips every Sunday during the Monsoon season in India when I was little. Since then I have grown to liking India more and more and I really want to keep travelling and travelling. The whole of India is on my wish list and I wish to be able to say "I traveled around the whole of India" one day!

That's great that you're so passionate about traveling around your own country! I think a lot of the time, people look towards international destinations without considering all the beauty and history in their own countries that there is to explore!
That's great that you're so passionate about traveling around your own country! I think a lot of the time, people look towards international destinations without considering all the beauty and history in their own countries that there is to explore!
I agree! Even people who are from USA want to visit all the countries but to be honest, there are just soooo many good things to see in USA itself, that why would you like to spend so much money to go visit a different country?!
Many of my acquaintances including my best friend's mother and other good friends has been to India several times. All the stories, pictures and memories they shared with me really sparked my interest, that this country is really something that you have to experience for yourself.
I'm wondering what made everyone here interested in India as a tourism destination.

It might sound weird or silly to some people but the first thing that made me think I wanted to travel to India was the movie The Darjeeling Limited. The main characters travelled by train across India and I thought it looked magnificent.

There was also a tourism campaign in my country called "Incredible India" which I thought was interesting too and it made me think more about visiting.

What about you?
It would be kind of strange considering yourself a tourist in a place that is sophisticated as New York. I'm given the impression that India has more of a natural environments, I'm that's what I'm drawn to. India also seems to be the place that has the brightest minds. A few of the guys in my class in high school were Indians and they were extremely bright, on top of the class if I may say so.
I think one of the reasons is my friend who told me a lot about India and people there. I was impressed how impressed he was because i know him and that is not an easy task. He showed me some pictures and videos. We talked about food which is my favourite topic and i was hooked. After that i started googling the places and sites to see in India. Learning about this helped me in my decision to have plans in near future of visiting this beautiful country. Here, i found out that many Indian people are vegetarians so that made even more happy and decisive in this matter.
My interest was sparked when I took an Open University course called 'Introducing Religions' a couple of years ago. Of all the faiths we studied, Hinduism intrigued me the most and ever since the course finished I've felt this yearning to visit India and witness it first hand. Kind of a 'spiritual tourist' I guess - I hope that doesn't sound patronising? I don't mean it to be!
It's the second most populous country on the face of the Earth. I also visited some Indian exhibitions and was pretty impressed with their creativity.
Well, my sister lived in India and she's so in love with the country and its people that it just makes me want to be there now! She's so apssionate about it and is dying to go back, so we're planning a family vacation next year to visit as many places as we can in twenty days. Also the idea of submerging into a whole new world with a culture that's so different than mine sounds amazing. I think this is what traveling is about, entering a world different than yours and absorbing as many experiences as you can. After all this is what life is about and our memories and experiences are the only things we take with us.
India one of the biggest countries known in the world with, beautiful waterfalls, temples, beautiful landscapes, greenery and must more to spend quality time with your family friends and loved ones.
I have been hearing and reading about India since I was a child. It always sounded like a dream destination, so I decided to make that dream come true :)
I took a class in college that really sparked my interest, and then in my career I have met many Indian people and I got to travel there for work about two years ago and it was the best thing ever. The culture is amazing and the people are even more amazing. I loved it, and I even brought along one of the books from that class with me for whatever reason. The book was The Circle Of Reason if anyone is interested.
India is Nepal's neighbor.Nepal and India shares culture, religion and history.I have been to India many times. When I am in India, I don't feel like I am in foreign country.