What Has Been Your Experience In India?

Sharath S

I am asking these questions to all of the people who have visited India. How do you describe your journey to and inside India? What are the things that caught your attention, and what are the things which if any have given a bad impression? How do you find India to be different from other countries and would you ever move here? Would be happy to hear from other people.
I haven't been to India yet but everyone I know who has been there is very positive about their experiences traveling in the country. I think the biggest thing they mentioned is the feeling of sensory overload! They fondly recalled sights, sounds and smells that were all brand new to them, which is one of the best parts of travel I guess!
The perfect blend of cultural heritage present in India, makes India different from other countries. Beautiful tourist destination in India are the major source of attraction.
I have been to India, and I really enjoyed my experience. I actually am trying to plan another trip which would be far more intensive, taking me across the country. Most of my time was in Chennai, although I hit a number of spots. What really caught my attention was the number of cultures, of regions, of things to see and do and experience. It is not like there is a single India. Every part has a rich history and is distinct, offering its own cuisine, art, style. There is so much to see and do, and I did not even scratch the surface before I left. It is the reason I want to go back, to see more of what I missed.

As for a bad impression? I don't know if it is bad, but poverty exists. They are improving, and I understand life gets better year by year. But it can be difficult to see at times when you are not used to such sights. I don't think many Americans can even understand what poverty actually means, since it can be quite brutal. But if you gave a dollar to every beggar child, you would be broke by the time you left your hotel. It is hard, since you may want to do something, but cannot do enough if you tried. So, rather than bad, it is a difficult aspect, but also gives hope, since India has improved considerably, and will continue to do so.

India is very different, from my experience. I can compare it to China, and Japan, Myanmar, Vietnam. There seems to be more color, and life, more chaos and vitality. It amazes me how densely populated the cities are, and how hectic they can seem. But the people are open, inviting, and friendly. For me, the Indian people do more than embrace their culture and traditions, but live them. A lot of places have to try hard to maintain their past, but that does not seem a concern in India.

Yes, I would live there. The weather, the food, the opportunities are all great. I have even considered moving there.