Which Is Your Favorite Month To Plan A Tour?


New Member
I like to travel during the month of April or May, especially if it’s a family event.

Generally, summer doesn’t see a favorable atmospheric condition for the visitors here in India. The weather remains extreme in most part of the country. In spite of that, the tourist spots witness a surge in number during this time of the year. The reason of this upswing is the summer vacation in the schools when children get the longest vacation of the year. So, the families can plan for a trip.

I too prefer this period, as it provides an ample time to relax and grasp a new place.
To me it really depends on where I’m going. Now that I’ve been planning my trip to India I have thought about going there in February or March because of the weather. I think some tourists might like summer because they live in very cold places, but I live in a city where the weather is warm most of the year. Now if someone is planning a trip to India I believe the weather does play a huge factor because the weather can be extreme.
Has to be December for me. We always take advantage of the festive season and plan out trips to places around Christmas. Kids have holidays and adults seem to have lower workloads, which makes the planning process a whole lot easier.
The weather is generally very pleasant, unless you're visiting places in the deep north. And there is something wonderful about bringing in the new year in a new place. Makes it very memorable, and you end up making a lot of great acquaintances. The costs can be a little hiked up, especially in places like Goa, but if you've planned or booked in advance it is very convenient.
Has to be December for me. We always take advantage of the festive season and plan out trips to places around Christmas. Kids have holidays and adults seem to have lower workloads, which makes the planning process a whole lot easier.
The weather is generally very pleasant, unless you're visiting places in the deep north. And there is something wonderful about bringing in the new year in a new place. Makes it very memorable, and you end up making a lot of great acquaintances. The costs can be a little hiked up, especially in places like Goa, but if you've planned or booked in advance it is very convenient.

Came in this thread just to say this. Definitely the smartest way to plan your holiday. The only problem is the weather, so this method is not very good if you are planning to visit a country that's not so warm. My parents used to this for quite a while, which led to me having so much great Christmas memories from all over the world. I really loved traveling on holidays, and im planning to do this for my future kids too, it's something that no child should be left out from and that is feeling the holiday magic in a different place. Although i believe there is a lot of people out there that do not quite agree with me, but I think that everyone should try it once, and actually see i how great it is!
India is beautiful in Winter if you are used to a colder country. The summer was too much for me the only time I experienced it, just far too hot for me. I particularly enjoy Delhi around March or April time, theres always plenty of things to do without the full heat of Summer.
I tend to try and travel to places during the fall or spring months. I'm not a fan of extreme hot or cold, and I find that the more 'middle' temperatures suit me better. It also means I'm not limited with sightseeing, because sometimes I find when it's too hot or too cold it can be oppressive. I travelled in Japan in the summer time once, and it was so hot and humid that I vowed to go back in a cooler month. I went in spring the second time for the cherry blossoms and it was a million times better and I enjoyed myself so much more!
I love the monsoons in India so I usually try to plan my trips around the July/August time. Especially in the area I come from, during these times everything is very green and there are quote a lot of waterfalls going on in the mountain area. If I want to go visit some traditional sightseeing place (like Agra, Delhi etc) I try to go during the times when they have the best weather (not too hot or wet) since I want to be able to enjoy my trips and not worry about the weather at hand.
I like to plan months in advance and it really does matter where we will be going. I usually start planning as early as summer mainly because airlines usually have almost an 11 months window to book, and lower fares are still available. I hardly have to pay a change fee and sometimes even get bumped up to a better class free, as there may be a schedule change on their part. Plus, it gets that issue out of the way so I free time to do other things.
When your planning a trip we often look at the weather forecasts for that particular region. Being from the UK we're not used to a very hot climate but at the same time we see more than enough rain as well, so tend to look for the months that are dry but mild if possible.
We usually plan and schedule our trips during Christmas vacation. This is the best time for everyone as the family tends to go together as a whole. If we plan a trip on summer time here, chances are we can't really go as a whole because many family members are working. With the exception of kids, summer is still work time for most here. So the only ideal time is during Christmas vacation. However, we find that many places are jam packed at this time. Still, it's enjoyable as we get to experience a new place together.
Choosing what months you can travel can depend a lot on your own circumstances, and if you work full time and only get only get a certain amount of annual leave, you have to sometimes travel in the months when you have to, rather than the months you actually want to, so in that respect you can be limited.
Has to be December for me. We always take advantage of the festive season and plan out trips to places around Christmas. Kids have holidays and adults seem to have lower workloads, which makes the planning process a whole lot easier.
The weather is generally very pleasant, unless you're visiting places in the deep north. And there is something wonderful about bringing in the new year in a new place. Makes it very memorable, and you end up making a lot of great acquaintances. The costs can be a little hiked up, especially in places like Goa, but if you've planned or booked in advance it is very convenient.

I agree. My family does this as well. Most if not all of Asia is really nice in December, the weather especially. Maybe with the exception of Japan, South Korea and the East part of China if you're trying to avoid snow like me. They don't exactly bother me (I'm from Norway, I'm basically Elsa from that Frozen movie), but it's really nice to get away from them for some time and spend your time on tropical countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, India (with the exception of the north I believe?), etc. But overall I think it's really great to travel in December. The spiked cost isn't that much of a problem if you book them really early.
I would try and plan for the months of June to August and hope there are events on which may make the visit worthwhile and would need to make adjustments, to see I have enough money to meet the costs and expenses while travelling around the country. It is important to see what places are nice to visit and see which accommodations are available, as that is something to decide about and what services are available in the place. It is interesting to see what countries are available to see and it is nice to see new views and also think planning in advance can help make some choices which are good and beneficial to me and others who are travelling with me.
Totally the spring months, because after the winter you can actually see some chances to have nice weather. Traveling while it's not too hot and also tourists are not everywhere, like in the summer months is much more nicer, I think. And sometimes cheaper too.