Recent content by CharliePurcell86

  1. CharliePurcell86

    American To Get Indian Visa

    Getting a visa by email sounds super fishy. I'm glad that's not a real thing, because I wouldn't trust that process at all.
  2. CharliePurcell86

    Tips For Finding Travel Partners

    I've always wanted to visit India, but I've never been able to find someone to join me. Unlike other countries I've recently visited alone, I think that India would be a little too overwhelming for a single traveler who has never been there before. I'd be open to finding a travel partner online...
  3. CharliePurcell86

    Best Indian Restaurant In Your City?

    I live in Stone Town, the main city on the island of Zanzibar. This place is a wonderful mixture of a half-dozen different cultures. There is a somewhat large Indian population, but I've only seen one real Indian restaurant in my area. It is extremely authentic, I could tell, because my mouth...
  4. CharliePurcell86

    Best Beer In India

    Does anyone know if India has Chinese brands of beer? In China, we always drink Tsingtao or Harbin. Can you find those in India? I'm not the biggest beer guy, but I love drinking beer on hot days, and I plan to be in India when it's pretty warm.
  5. CharliePurcell86

    Mangalore Travel Guide

    The above post has a lot of information about the surrounding beaches. It's been very helpful. My question, though, is: which beach is the least crowded? I love sunbathing, but if there are too many people, it just annoys me. Should I stick to Panambur? That one seems the most isolated.
  6. CharliePurcell86

    American To Get Indian Visa

    I'm an American, but I currently live in China. I'm planning a trip back to America for Christmas, and then I'm going to India this summer. Should I go through the Indian visa stuff while I'm in America, or is it just as easy to use the US Embassy in Beijing? I don't want to spend all of my...