American To Get Indian Visa

Honest Abe

New Member
Is it possible for an American citizen to obtain an Indian Visa without going through BLS. I tried to go two years ago, and had a very negative experience with the company in New York. I still would very much like to explore India, but don't want to deal with BLS.

Any alternatives for an American?
I'm not sure how old you are or if you're currently in school, but my friend's daughter just got a student visa and it seems the process was very easy. You may want to check into it.
Have you thought about getting a student visa or a work visa? I heard that a work visa is harder to come by, but a student visa might be easier to attain. I would check in with the local university. You might be able to work it out with them.
Is it possible for an American citizen to obtain an Indian Visa without going through BLS. I tried to go two years ago, and had a very negative experience with the company in New York. I still would very much like to explore India, but don't want to deal with BLS.

Any alternatives for an American?

Hi Honest Abe! In the link below you will find everything you need to apply for a visa. Pretty much everything is done online now, and the process is very smooth and easy. In this same site you can fill out your E-tourist visa application.

Indian e-Tourist Visa
I'm an American, but I currently live in China. I'm planning a trip back to America for Christmas, and then I'm going to India this summer. Should I go through the Indian visa stuff while I'm in America, or is it just as easy to use the US Embassy in Beijing? I don't want to spend all of my American vacation doing errands, but if it makes the process easier, I'd do it.
I'm trying to put in for my Indian Visa but have had the paperwork sent back to me a couple of times without very much information or indication as to why. It's been on the back burner as we aren't planning on going over to Asia until later next year, but is there any way to get some better help or advice as to what I need to do to get it to go through?
If you don't plan to visit in the next month or so but still want a visa then apply at the nearest embassy or high commission to get a visa stamped on your passport. This e-visa thing is for visa on arrival and not for visa before departure. You only get an assurance that you will be issued a visa on arrival but if circumstances change in the mean time then that assurance does not stand anymore. Government has advertised in a way to give impression that you get a visa by email but that's not the case.
If you don't plan to visit in the next month or so but still want a visa then apply at the nearest embassy or high commission to get a visa stamped on your passport. This e-visa thing is for visa on arrival and not for visa before departure. You only get an assurance that you will be issued a visa on arrival but if circumstances change in the mean time then that assurance does not stand anymore. Government has advertised in a way to give impression that you get a visa by email but that's not the case.
Getting a visa by email sounds super fishy. I'm glad that's not a real thing, because I wouldn't trust that process at all.
I did get one fairly easy as a student, through a mission program. It took a little over 3 weeks! I hope you find an easier way to obtain yours! India is one of the best places to explore in my opinion, it's endless, and when you get back home, you feel like you didn't have enough!
It shouldn't be that hard to get a visa, but you will most likely still have to go through BLS. You shouldn't have problems, but it most likely depends on if you plan to visit or for another reason. If you are only going to be there for a short time to do some sightseeing, it shouldn't be hard at all.
I'm curious - what exactly is BLS? I've never had a visa before, but I heard they can be a real pain in the neck to get. Piggy backing off of this conversation, does anyone know the general cost of a visa for India? I'm not sure if it differs by country (that is traveled to) or if it is based on who you retrieve the visa from.