andaman and nicobar

  1. G

    Tips For Traveling To Andaman Nicobar Islands

    I would like to make a trip to the Andaman Nicobar Islands sometime soon. It is a place which is quite different from the rest of India and away from the big cities, so it is vital that I get some tips and help from people who have been there or have knowledge about the place. My tips have been...
  2. L

    Has Anyone Been To The Andaman Water Sports Complex In Port Blair?

    My partner and I love water sports and I read that there is place called Andaman Water Sports Complex in Port Blair. Has anyone been there and tried out the different water sports. Can you tell me what they have other than jet skis and paddle boats?
  3. G

    Honeymoon On Andaman Island

    We are spending three weeks in India for our honeymoon and want to spend the last week in Andaman, resting and relaxing. Do they offer anything in private accommodations?
  4. Gabydi

    Andaman And Nicobar

    I never see anyone asking about Andaman and Nicobar and this is why I decided to make this post. These fantastic islands are the reason I decided I have to go to India. They’re located in the middle of nowhere, and its beaches are legendary and kind of deserted. When I look at the pictures all...
  5. Debapriya Deb

    Andaman And Nicobar Islands Tourism Guide

    Are you fascinated by the stunning underwater landscapes as portrayed by Jacques Cousteau in his film 'Andaman Islands: Invisible Islands'? Wouldn't you love to dive into these unexplored opaque emerald waters to catch a few glimpses of the marine life? If your answers to both the questions are...
  6. L

    Chennai to Andaman by ship or boat

    Hi everyone I am thinking of taking a ship/boat from Chennai to Andaman Islands and I have a few things to ask: 1. Do I need any special permissions to make this trip? 2. How often a ship/boat leaves from Chennai to Andaman? 3. How can I arrange my trip from Chennai to Andaman? 4. Any good...