
  1. R

    Nearest Metro Station To Garden Of Five Senses

    My family and I would like to spend some quality time together and after looking at many places that we can visit we have decided we should all go to the Garden Of Five Senses. This place would allow us to spend time together without there being much distraction or too much noise, and yet we...
  2. P

    Nearest Metro Station To Kingdom of Dreams

    Before the new session starts at school I want to take my kids to the Kingdom of Dreams. The weather is good and my partner and I both have time off from work. We live in Delhi but are not too fond of driving in the Delhi traffic and would avoid it if the destination we want to go to is close to...
  3. A

    Nearest Metro Station To Raj Ghat

    My children have a keen interest in history, and they have decided upon a few places to go and see. One of the places they wish to visit is Raj Ghat, and we would like to know which is the nearest metro station to Raj Ghat. Please also advise if there are any times or days when it may be closed.
  4. N

    Nearest Metro Station to Jama Masjid

    During my stay in Delhi, I wish to visit Jama Masjid. I would like to find out if there is a metro station at Jama Masjid and if not which is the nearest metro station to Jama Masjid. If possible please also mention the timings.
  5. A

    Metro Nearest Metro Station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara

    I am going to be around South Delhi and while there I wish to visit Bangla Sahib Gurudwara. As my mode of transport would be metro rail I would like to know which is the nearest metro station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara.
  6. M

    Madame Tussauds Delhi Ticket Price

    As many may know that Madame Tussauds has newly opened up in New Delhi. I would like to visit the place but would like to first know what the Madame Tussauds ticket price is? Please give details for ticket prices for adults and kids and also if there are any special offers. Thank you.
  7. N

    Flights from Delhi to Leh

    I would like to take my parents to go and see Leh, they are in their mid 60's and so traveling such a long distance by road is not feasible for them, so I think to go by air would be best. I would like some information about the flights from Delhi to Leh. 1. What flight options do I have for...
  8. S

    Weekend getaways from Delhi within 100 km

    I am someone who loves short trips and have often thought about going somewhere with friends or family over the weekend. I don't know much knowledge about weekend places near Delhi and would like some suggestions to some of the weekend getaways from Delhi within 100km. People have mentioned...
  9. R

    Fine dining restaurants in Delhi

    I am planning a surprise date for my wife and would like to take her to some fine dining restaurant. I have tried looking but have not any luck, so am hoping to get some help from the forum. Please, can members provide information about fine dining restaurants in Delhi?
  10. P

    Delhi Rides Amusement Park entry fees

    Hello everyone, I have joined this forum today to find out more about the Delhi Rides Amusement Park. There is no official site for the park, so I considering asking my queries on the forum. The main question I have is what the Delhi Rides Amusement Park entry fees are? Is it a pay per ride...