Advantages Of Travelling Alone

For some it's also a way to realise that your not as independent as you thought also!

I knew a girl a few years ago that was supposed to be going travelling with some friends but one by one they ended up dropping out.

As a gesture of defiance shall we call it, she said well I'll go by myself then, and when the time came off she went. Within 2 days she was back home, not only did she lose her bag with her money in, she also lost her passport before she even got to the country she was supposed to be travelling round so they refused her entry and marched her straight back on to a return flight!

Ouch! Yes - it can definitely be a wake up call too - I find solo travel either builds you up or breaks you down and it can be a matter of experience and mindset. I've had times on solo trips where I've ended up crying back at my accommodation because of loneliness and feeling overwhelmed (culture shock is SUCH a real thing!) but I've also fought through those feelings on other occasions and ended up impressing myself with how much I went out of my comfort zone!
Uh, it's a good thread. There are so many sides to traveling alone. It can really depend on your personal feeling at that time or the amount of culture shock you are in. On the other hand it's hard to decide which is worse - a terrible traveling partner or the exhausting loneliness feeling.
One of my favorite advantages when I travel alone is the ability to just be on the go. I can end up in one city and just drop everything there and be on my way to the other side of an island for days or skipping over to another port to enjoy that part of the country. I don't mind traveling with other people, but when traveling alone I've always loved being able to just decide and stick with it and just get moving. Two or more people usually have to spend a little time getting to some final decisions first.
For a loner like me, it is fine with me to travel alone. I like the idea of exploring new places alone just as long as I have guides to follow. I think people who travel alone become more flexible when it comes to dealing with others. They are the independent types. They like doing things alone and therefore have a different experience when it comes to interacting with people may it be of the same race or not. With that being said, one becomes more confident when it comes to people interaction.
Yeah I've travelled alone I agree with the list there are perks to solo travel and you have to take advantage of this time you chose to travel by yourself. See all the places you want, go on mini-adventures around the hike, bask in the fact that you're in a new place and therefore can be a different person altogether. Solo trips should be on a person's bucket list most of the time these solo travels will tell you more about yourself than the country you visit. you get creative and talk to strangers you usually don't. You get to eat anything you want with no one watching! You will be your own judge so tread well and travel with curious caution.
I can definitely see how traveling alone has its advantages, and I certainly agree with many of the reasons given. I personally though, would rather travel with 1 or 2 more people. Being a woman I feel safer going to a foreign country accompanied. Maybe I'm not confident enough, but I would rather have someone have my back in case I get sick or if something bad happened to me, like some sort of accident or something along those lines.
I agree with the points you made. The bottom line is that you are responsible only for your self. You are making decisions about where are you going or what are you going to do or who are you going to meet. The best thing is the freedom of your own choice. in this society you rarely do ever get the chance to have that kind of freedom. You are always bound to something or somebody else. It sounds like a big relief to travel alone. My next trip will probably be like that although i have to say that in a stage i am right now i do want one person to come along with me everywhere and i wouldn't complain about anything. That is the only argument on all of your points. Love. But since love is not with me now i believe the best way would be the lone way.
Traveling alone is great, but it simply is not for everyone. People tend to feel lost on their own. Some have troubles accommodating and finding their way throughout town, especially if another country is in question. Others just are not that great at reading maps. I definitely fall into this category. I can't seem to manage to learn how to read a map, so I always need someone close to me to help me with that. I actually prefer to travel with at least one friend,preferably my boyfriend, whom I would be able to rely on.
I have travelled alone many times and to me it has a lot of advantages. When I'm traveling alone I don't have to babysit and wait For someone to get ready I can just get ready myself and leave whenever I please. The only person I'll be worrying for is myself.
There are some locations around the world that I would prefer to travel alone. It becomes more fun and adventurous. When you are alone, you are at liberty because there is no one to stop you. You enjoy the freedom of setting your own budget, learning to make decision and risk taking. You can explore new places, people and cultures which would be deniable if you are in groups.
I agree on being able to save more money whenever I travel alone. I like to be able to buy food and prepare it myself, yet others that I travel with perefer to dine out.
I agree travelling alone is very advantegous it develops your skill and personality but at the same time being with someone feels secured.
To add to this list, #8 would be: "No one is going to drag you down and make you late for something if they are tired, busy, or not on the same schedule". I can't tell you how many times this has been an issue for me, especially when going to places with people who are new to traveling, but aren't quite as respectful to the flow of things when you are traveling in a group. All of your points are good. I still travel with one or two others from time to time if business requires it or it's a personal vacation, but more times than not I actually prefer to travel alone for the reasons you outlined here.
When I was a single, I used to travel alone, and I always loved solo traveling. Now that I am married I travel with my wife, and I still love traveling. There are many benefits of traveling alone,however, solo traveling can be dangerous of you are traveling in hinterland or in the rough terrain.
It would make planning much easier! Sometimes I get a little frustrated with the effort of doing all the research, and then I go to my husband with the plan and he wants to do something completely different! Still, I think there is something wonderful about seeing all new things with someone else there to share it with.
Although I agree with everything you said and I should try traveling alone at least once, I still think it's too risky. I don't know why, but I need a safe net, traveling abroad can be really scary and I don't know what kinds of situations I might face. The worst thing about traveling with someone is that travel partners can screw your plans... I've traveled with someone who wouldn't leave the hotel, it bothered me so much.
For me, the biggest benefit of traveling alone is that I get to do everything on my own. I get to travel at my own time and pace. This is especially true during the times wherein I have to make a decision on whether I should go to that place. Or should I do this or that. You don't have to deal with the added burden of considering what a travel partner would think or say. However, every once in a while, is still travel with companions to break the routine, so to speak.
Travelling alone is a great idea when you want to perform some scout activities around a touristic place of interest before going there with family and friends. A trip focused in meeting locals in order to know first hand the popular and recommended camping spots, restaurants, inns, hotels, season prizes and events like traditional festivities and such.

Is a way to discover new things and is really exciting regardless how inconvenient or disappointing It could turns out during your trip as a lonely traveller.
Well we al know that there are times when travelling with others is the best way to do it and then there are times when travelling alone is best, and to be honest I think that the ones alone are a lot more peaceful. So then it just depends on the purpose of the trip, if it is for relaxation then alone might be better, but for enjoyment, you most certainly want to share that experience with someone that you know well.
According to me travelling all alone makes the journey boring at least you need another person with you.

Well I won't say that it makes it boring, but I will say that it makes it more dangerous. I actually love to travel alone, but I know that people who are alone are easy targets, especially if you are far away from your own territory/country. Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you will be bored, if you have much to do, and can make friends out there then you should be fine.