Best Food in your City

Why people ask me that question I never know what to say. I can't have a favorite food, it's like you having to choose between all your shoes. If I have to have a favorite, it would be Popeyes. It's such an amazing restaurant! If you haven't tried it, you're so missing out! I suggest that you get their biscuits it's literally to die for! Their chicken is there specialty though. Always comes out so fresh!
Well in my city, where I live currently there is a nice little restaurant and all the foods taste like my mother or grandmother made them at home. I think that in everyone's culture the most important tastes come from childhood.
I am from Niš in Serbia and we have a lot of specialities. Traditional and official city trademark food is Burek. Niš is the official town of burek. This is a pastry like food, a pie with filling. The original recipe goes with meat but now they make it with cheese, mushrooms...

burek - Google претрага

So, this is burek with cheese. The quarter you see in the picture is usual unit to order burek.

On the other hand we have more healthier food in kafana. Kafana is a traditional Serbian restaurant where you can buy these things to eat.

Pljeskavica ( burger)


Pečenje (roasted pork or any other meat)


And many more traditional Serbian meals.
My favorite place to eat in my city is a Persian place downtown that serves the most incredible hummus, pita and mediterrenean coffee that I've had. I'm lucky enough to have them close to my house and the manager is a friend of mine so I get to see how they make it. I've been looking for some great Indian food as well but I have better luck at home when I try to make it myself.