Child Friendly Places In India


Active Member
I was talking to a friend about my plans to travel to India, and she mentioned it's also somewhere she has wanted to visit for quite some time.

Her concern though was that she has a one year old baby - and she was mentioning how hard it can be traveling sometimes even domestically when it comes to family friendly options, let alone internationally.

Does anyone know of how child-friendly India would be for tourists? I'm talking about things like baby change facilities, restaurants with high chairs, things like that? It might be a silly question but I'm really not sure and didn't know what to tell her - so I figured I would ask you guys and girls!
They do not exist.

Very few if any.

You may also like to know that India is not a pedestrian friendly place by any standards and using a stroller is almost impossible anywhere. You will see people carrying their babies themselves instead.

Thank you - that's good advice. She might have to wait until her little one is grown and out of the house to get to India, or at least until she's old enough to be walking and not in diapers. I assumed that it wouldn't be friendly for a stroller - babywearing is pretty popular here now anyway, so that's not a problem for her - but things like not having facilities for her baby available to change her and stuff might dissuade her from taking a trip right now!
It is therefore better to have your child grow up before bringing him along to travel. After all, a baby is not always adaptable to traveling. One might suffer from motion sickness.
Yeah, I think it may be more practical to wait until baby is older to visit India. From the responses, it doesn't seem that there are many baby friendly places. You have to keep in mind that other countries don't operate the same as the US. It's always a good idea to hold off on that kind of travel until the kids are at least old enough to walk. Since my kids are older now, we have a lot more options as far as travel, so this is an exciting time for us. I would have never considered traveling out of the country with a little baby.
What i read is not very encouraging for me. I have three year old nephew and i thought i go with my family there for a vacation because i heard great things about the culture and food. However, some posts about restaurants and other things like big crowds , are not looking promising. Still, i would like to take my chances although i cannot believe that there are no child friend restaurants. Can you tell me about playing rooms for kids. We have them here on every corner. Like a daily care but for a bit older kids. You pay for them to play while you have a coffee or whatever. My plans are just in my head but knowing anything will help me to decide on many things. I finding this forum very useful. Thanks.