Countries You Would Never Visit?

I think your probably right in not wanting to go to Syria. Any country that is ravaged by war, and its own population are clamouring desperately to leave probably isn't recommended as a tourist hot spot to be honest!
I would never visit North Korea. First of all I will be executed if I go there because I am Indian. Second of all, it's run by a dictator which is never good. You have no rights in North Korea, and you can easily be put into a prison camp.
I don't have any countries on my list. I would visit any country even if they had a war going on. I love to travel and I know that my services would be needed. I love to volunteer and help people.
Wow.. This thread pretty much rules out a chunk of the countries on the globe. Haha :D I don't think I would NOT visit a particular country unless it was right in the midst of military/political/terrorist mayhem. This rules out the Middle East nations for now. About North Korea, the only problem I think I would have there is communication. I'm told the greater part of the population speak nothing besides their own language, that would make it really difficult to understand what was going on. :/
Going as a volunteer to a place and going as a tourist are two entirely different things though. A registered volunteer, while will be in danger, won't be in half as much danger as a tourist would be I'd imagine?
I won't ever visit a country where security and safety is an issue, especially to foreigners. Top countries I would not visit would have to be Syria, Iraq, and all other places surrounding them. Civil unrest is always present there, which is really sad because a lot of the tourist destinations remain unexplored.
Outside of the middle eastern war torn countries I think there would be a few. For me one would be North Korea. I'm not so sure they wouldn't accuse me of being a spy and try to execute me. Another one would be Indonesia because they seem to strict with a lot of their laws.
There's absolutely no country I wouldn't mind visiting, unless there's a very high potential that I'd be killed by doing so. Sometimes, it's not really the country that's making itself worse but the government. Middle east countries have a fantastic history and culture about them. What made them not so favorable are the wars that won't stop because of the selfishness of those in power. So many have lost their lives already like they're purposely being eradicated. Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of traveling the world to collect folklore that I haven't read before from a certain country. I guess it's not as possible as it used to be anymore.
Probably the middle east right now. Too much chaos and fighting, I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself without watching my back or making sure the area I am on is safe. I'd really love to see the sights, but the dangers are heavier than the rewards, and I wouldn't want to risk it. Maybe in a couple of years when the conflicts have been toned down, I can visit without hesitation. But now, I'd rather steer clear of the place until they are all done with their constant bickering.
I would never visit the middle east right now. It's too risky and I wouldn't feel good giving my money to a place I don't support... Of course there are probably thousands of beautiful places and nice people but I won't use other people's suffering for my own traveling experience. I think I wouldn't visit North Korea also, as much as I have interest in it.
I don't want to visit Libya and Yemen. I got terrified after watching a video on how Isis beheads abducted foreigners in Yemen. I have never heard of any city that is safe in Iraq. Terrorists do attack innocent civilians there. Turkey is also experiencing a wave of attacks from Isis. I don't know whether it will become one of the unsafe places to visit.
I would never visit anywhere in the Middle East, specially not Iraq and Libya. I think they are such beautiful places but have been ruined by extremists/terrorists. I feel very sorry for the civilians. I probably wouldn't travel to North Korea as well, even though I have a big curiosity about it and would like to see it with my own eyes. I would never put my money in the hands of such a vile government, and traveling there seems like nothing but a big hoax. You can't leave the tour bus, you can't talk to locals, you can't use the internet, anything.
At the top of my "never want to visit list" used to be Hawaii, which is, of course, actually a state not a country. As a child, for some reason I was under the impression that Hawaii was one of the hottest places on earth. I have since learned that it actually has a fairly mild climate. Another reason that I didn't want to go there, though, was because it is such a popular tourist destination. I'm often more interested in places that are less popular.

I'm not sure I have any that I absolutely would not visit, but as others have mentioned, personal safety would be a deciding factor. Some countries may not be safe to visit right now, but could be perfectly safe in 5 or 10 years. For instance, I visited Ukraine 15 years ago and it was safe then, but it might not be such a safe place now. In the same manner, Ireland wasn't so safe in the 90's, but is a very safe place to visit now.
I would never go to North Korea because I don't share the same vies on morality as the leader who runs it today. The power that he has is disgusting, and the people don't have a choice but to be the slaves that they are. I don't like the standards out there and want more for the humans fwho live under the rule of their leader.

I don't know the history of North Korea, but I know the present and I don't like the way of life that nation lives right now.
Do you have any countries you would never visit? If so, is there a reason why?

For me, the only time I would absolutely rule out a country would be if there was a big safety risk. In my country there are travel advisories for every country, and sometimes they will specifically state not to travel to a certain place because it's unsafe to do so. I usually check these advisories before I plan any sort of vacation to make sure that it's still regarded as a safe place to visit.

What are your thoughts? I've been to plenty of places already that people have said they wouldn't visit, simply because they're not interested in that particular country.
I would never go anywhere that puts my safety and well-being at risk. For me safety is a top value. For example, I would never go to a country where my health or my life might be at risk or where there is war going on or something like that. Middle east and North Korea are out. Some other places I might not visit just for the fact that they are not interesting enough...
For me I would never visit Iraq. I really don't want to walk around a place where we have lost so many Americans. I am not biased I am just one that wants to stay away from places where there could be a bomb at any time or where people I know have been killed. I just don't really want to take the risk on my life. There may be measures taken now, but still just the thought drives me crazy and I don't think I will ever visit Iraq. Definitely not on my to do list.
I really don't want to walk around a place where we have lost so many Americans.

I would like to remind you that Iraq was brought down by the Americans for no reason what so ever. Iraq never was a threat to the US. All the WMD was a hoax and every one know that. I understand why you wouldn't want to go to Iraq but have you ever thought how many Iraqi's did Americans kill over the years?
I would like to remind you that Iraq was brought down by the Americans for no reason what so ever. Iraq never was a threat to the US. All the WMD was a hoax and every one know that. I understand why you wouldn't want to go to Iraq but have you ever thought how many Iraqi's did Americans kill over the years?

The answer to that is over 1 Million civilians. And that was the count back in 2011. But, Audrinaa isn't talking about "civilians".

I understand where @audrinaa 's coming from - its not about the reasons for the war. The brave men and women who died for America didn't care whether Bush was telling the truth, they loved their country and did their duty. OTOH, on the "other side" wasn't the Iraqi army! It was a horde of terrorists and gorilla forces from across North Africa and the ME, who weren't fighting for anything. All they wanted to do was to inflict damage. Also, its not a safe place to be for an american right now.

However, to answer @amelia88 there is no place in the world I wouldn't visit. My rule is - "Even if one person did it, I can do it too". And you can google "Gunnar Garfors" to know about just such a man. And he wasn't the only one, but he's the latest "crazy one" to have accomplished that feat.