Do You Like To Cook?

Unique as in edible though, or unique as in Wow! What the hell is that I've just concocted! Haha
I think with certain recipes you can add or detract certain elements and have a play around to make it as you like, but sometimes it's best to just stick to the traditional method, and make something by the book.
Korea was fab. Seoul is great for all the different kinds of food you can get!
Ooooh, pulled pork is amazing! Do you do it in the oven or a slow cooker? I'd love to try and make it. My boyfriend is a huge fan of pulled pork.

Slow cooker all the way! It's so much easier (to me, anyway!) because it's always turned out perfectly. The meat just is so tender it falls apart by the time it's done! Plus it's almost impossible to mess up - another bonus of slow cookers to me!
Pulled pork, in fact pulled everything seems to be all the rage in the UK these days, and while I'm no Gordon Ramsay so I'm probably wrong on this, doesn't the term pulled just mean off the bone? As in shredded? Or am I completely wrong there?

You're right, it's literally just shredded! I make mine in the slow cooker so the meat is so tender - it's super easy to then just pull apart and shred (it basically falls apart by itself!)

It's pretty popular here too - I guess it's always been an American thing but it's really popping up more and more in hip, fashionable cafes rather than just your average run of the mill diner!
I really like to cook. It's not always possible for me but, if I can I do. There is something special about cooking your own food, it can be something quick and simple or something more elaborate. Cooking really connects you to what you are eating and it tastes a whole lot better. It opens a whole new world, I have lost count of the times I go into a restaurant and the waiter talks about there special sauce and after you try i, you discover that yours is much better.
If you haven't cooked before I highly recommend that you try.
Yes, I do like to cook. Cooking for someone you love is always a great thing you can do for a loved one. You can also cook delicious meals for yourself cheaper than buying it a store which is always great, saving money is something I like to do. You will also increase your patience skills. When you have company, they will enjoy coming over to your house when you cook something delicious.
I love cooking. If I'm cooking the same thing everyday then it's a no no. But I enjoy going on YouTube to get new recipes that I can try out.
I love cooking, I always have. My first serious foray into it was during college when I lived independently. I had to learn the basics first though like cooking an egg, rice, noodles, toasting bread, salad etc. day by day I was able to make simple to complex meals like Spanish Paella, Fried Tilapia with rosemary and other dishes. I enjoy the act of cooking because it's both creative, artistic and informs you about nutrition. I learned about the food pyramid and go, grow and glow foods when I was younger but through cooking I learned what it means to have a balanced diet.
I have a love/hate relationship with cooking. There are times I love cooking. It's fun, relaxing, and had a great end product to enjoy. The possibilities are pretty much limitless and it's so so so much cheaper than ordering out. The downside is that it does take a lot of time. Sometimes you don't have the right ingredients to make whatever you're craving and have to settle for a really sad and uncreative pasta dish :P

Plus there's always those days where you're just too tired to do anything, let alone stand around for 20-40 minutes to eat. Sometimes the convenience of ordering out is just too tempting.
In the last months I discovered that in the other hand I love to cook but it depends on the thing I make. Living with several people and often cooking for them can get tables turn around. When they ask for something and do not like the way I prepare it, the cooking process can became quite bitter.
Since i was working as a chef in several restaurant one could say i really like cooking. It is my passion and important part of my life. I enjoy cooking and preparing food in general. A lot to see and learn since i am only 28 but i have to say best memories i have are related to kitchen and cooking. There is something special and interesting about chefs. If you met one you know what i mean. Even when i am without job, like now, i cook everyday at home. I cannot imagine a day outside of kitchen.
Unconditionally. Living in Sweden is luxurious - even as a native. Being talented to cook really helps you and your concise - mostly you’re concise. If I was to have to rely on organization food from eateries I'd be bankrupt in no time. So I'm really grateful my maternities taught me how at a very early age. It helps that I really required to be a chef when I was little, so I was quite passionate about it back then. Not so much today as I've altered my way and life ambitions, but the skills stick and having to chef for the family.