There is a lot more to it then just a GPS tracker. I wont advise driving in India unless you know get used to the way people drive here. It is not just the rules that you need to know, its the getting used to seeing people breaking rules and what they do under certain circumstances. You would see people crossing a busy road without waiting for the lights to turn red and it takes time to get used to such stuff and a GPS tracker wont be much help when you have a cow walking down the road... you gotta know what to do in such situations or you will have an accident. Leave the driving to cab drivers as they know how things problem driving in India as long as you have a GPS tracker and a road map with you.
Absolutely not in India. Hit the accelerator and ram into the auto-rickshaw that suddenly breaks ahead and if you brake there will always be a bicycle rickshaw bearing down on your rear at full speed. You are better off leaving driving while in India to Indian drivers.If you follow the rules of ABC (Accelerator, brake, clutch) - no one can harm you.