eVisa - uploading photo


New Member
Hi All
I am applying for an eVisa (tourist), and it's all OK until I upload my photo. Each time I upload it, it is rotated 90 degrees! I think this is because it's a square (as per the required spec), because when I experimented with another photo it did not rotate.
Question is - will this cause the application to be rejected (with loss of the fee!)?
Any advice would be appreciated.
If I was you I would crop the image to the exact pixels and upload it.

Make it an exact 5.5cm X 5.5cm.
I appreciate your reply - but the size of the photo is not the issue! It is the fact that it rotates.
Thanks anyway.
If you crop it to the exact size of 5.5cm x 5.5cm it should stay upright.
Uploading the exact size is the only way out. Some 10 year old built that government site.
Most people who visit this forum are Indians, about 95% of them and chances of getting a reply from someone who uploaded a sideways image and got rejected or approved are grim. Its best to speak to the contact number listed on visa site and see what they say or send an email if there's an email address listed there. From what I know they are quick to reply to emails.
Do let us know what they say as there might be other people looking for a solution to this same problem and might find your reply useful in future.
I can't get through on the helplines!
I'm confused though - the photo to be uploaded is obviously digital, so doesn't really have a physical size (2.5 cm x 2.5cm)? Its digital size is under the 1mb as required.
You can crop a digital image. I can do that for you if you need help with it.
Try this : Resize Images Online

Upload your image and crop it to 207pixels x 207 pixels. You will need to untick the preserve aspect ration check box.

Resulting image will be exactly 5.5cm sq.

If not let me know and I will send you a personal message which you can reply to with your images that need cropping and I will do it for you.
You just need to right click on your image and click on edit and you can crop it using whatever editing software you have on your own computer or use the link Admin posted.