Female traveling alone in India

I think it's dangerous for women to travel to any part of the world. Not just India. The thing is, women will always be more vulnerable. It's sad but true. I think it'll be much safer if you had someone along. Male or female. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Some friends I know, have traveled to several parts of India. According to them, New Delhi is one of the most dangerous places for a woman to be alone, so take care.

At least, try not to venture outdoors at night time. ;)
You will be safe if you use common sense. Just do not tell people that you are not from the area when you are doing small talk. Also do not let people know where you are staying. You will be surprised how so many people tell others what hotel they are staying at. You can be followed.
India is pretty safe as long as you use common sense. It would be a lot more fun if you would find some one to travel with but if not I dont think it is a problem atall. I am assuming that you are not going to venture into remote areas on your own. There are lots of solo females tourists that come to India every year.

I have to agree with this, I see it pretty much as in any other country, meaning, there are certain areas that should be avoided, but if we stay clear from those we can have a memorable experience and know a lot of great things, namely a new culture and people. I'd go for it if I had the opportunity to travel alone.
To echo what most people say, the important thing when traveling is to use common sense. A lot of people who get into trouble were being naive or ridiculous, and they are the sorts who would have gotten into trouble back home. Don't go out drunk. Be watchful. Stay with crowds. Be trusting, but don't go overboard. You can be taken advantage of more ways than you think, and just because someone says something does not mean it is the truth. Really, it boils down to this: Be aware, be wise, and think before you act.

Also, I always say this because it can save lives, but post your itinerary on line or give it to the hotel front desk, just so someone knows where you last where in case anything happens.
No question there, common sense helps a lot, but sometimes common sense just comes with experience. This doesn't mean we cannot go alone to an adventure, at the same time being a women we need to be more careful and avoid certain placed, if we do that we can surely enjoy the best of the country.