Haggling In India

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Another strategy is to learn a few Hindi phrases and you'll appear as one who has been in the country for a long time. You'll come out as a person who knows his way, and prices, around town and not some gullible tourist.
Another strategy is to learn a few Hindi phrases and you'll appear as one who has been in the country for a long time. You'll come out as a person who knows his way, and prices, around town and not some gullible tourist.

Even if you learn a few phrases, you'll still srmtand out as a tourist,,but at least you'll have shown that you have made an effort to fit in with their culture, and that means a lot.

It might not get you the item you want any cheaper, but at least they'll respect you more while you're haggling!
The best advice I could give about haggling would have to be meeting halfway. I would usually go to the market with my aunt (she's Chinese, not to mean anything here). What I noticed is that she really gets great deals out of haggling! Her secret is that for example, the price is $50, she'd say what about $10? Then the vendor's going to lower the price to, say, $40. She's gonna say $20, then eventually they're gonna meet at $30, which is a really huge discount!
I guess different people have different ways of dealing with situations. Just the thought of trying to haggle over the price of something is daunting to me. I always pay the price they ask if I really want the item. I can either afford it or I can't. I feel like I'm taking advantage of the seller and I'd feel bad because they work so hard and they need the money.
All the tips here are great but the one thing I'll share is don't haggle with any shopkeepers who look poor beyond compare because they're probably doing it to live and not to earn an income. Sometimes a little charity is needed especially when someone looks like they're starving but still retain a sense of pride from buying and selling. Haggle at the right place and the right time.
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