How Do You Save Up For Your Travels?

After my expenses for daily living are taken care of, I have a way of doing it to where I put 15% away for savings and 35% away for my upcoming trip and travel expenses until I have enough with some extra to cover unexpected expenses. The other 50% goes toward daily living, and any portion of it that I don't use that month gets placed into my savings account. So it varies between 35% to 50% on average and however much I don't spend on living or lifestyle each month.
My best friend is the same way with buying her plane tickets in advance. She doesn't want to waste the money that she spent on them, so she forces herself to save up money for the rest of the trip. Then again, she doesn't go out of the country, but it can still be fairly expensive to visit big cities in the United States.
Well, the United States is one big continent in itself (North America) - so it's understandably a huge territory even for Americans to explore, too. It's a lot similar to my country the Philippines (of course, we're not a continent) but we're composed of more than 7,000 islands, and I haven't even covered at least 5% of the entire Philippines. I believe even the locals of India face the same issue. India is also a big country that there are too many places to explore. I was just reading a thread that covers at least 20 different places to explore - and the list was just in and around the capital of New Delhi. So, yeah - if we've to cover all these places a RIGHT DOSE of DISCIPLINE to save money for these trips is definitely a must.
I have a savings account just for extensive travel plans. I pay for the smaller trips (long weekends) with cash, but the larger trips that are going to cost several thousand dollars are paid for with the savings account.
What I try to do is save $50 each payday and then use half of my tax return. I put this money into a separate account I never touch. When I have enough saved I start thinking about where I want to go.
After paying my bills and spending on groceries, gas and other necessities, whatever left goes to my saving account. I use this saving money during the rainy days or to travel or invest in properties.
For basic savings, I set a fixed amount aside every paycheck. To be honest with you, I never considered creating a separate savings account for my travels. Usually, any sort of savings goes into one big "bucket" - nothing separated.

I really fancy the idea of using a small percentage of my paycheck to be specially used for traveling expenses. I think by doing that, it will grow slowly and steadily, making it more of a savoring experience by only going on a trip once every couple of years. Exciting!
All the savings plans, tips, and tricks listed here are great. I've just never been able to set aside anything, with my monthly expenses so high. The only time I travel is when a big sum comes my way, like a gift or inheritance.
when a big sum comes my way, like a gift or inheritance

That's when I first started traveling, when I was 18 and I got a small sum of money from my grandmother. That gave me the travel bug, so now I save all my spare bits of cash in a separate account. I would like to make it a regular savings from my paycheck, but I'm not quite there yet.
I put a certain amount aside each month in my savings account. This amount is for emergencies or travels. I am planning to go to Delhi in March for World Culture Festival and I am saving money for that.
Well, I've been saving all of my life; it's not a difficult habit to get into! I work two jobs, covering seven days a week and come home each night to earn more money online. In this way, I've paid off my tertiary education fees (electronic engineering for four years, plus my two languages at Adelaide University), paid for each second hand car I've ever had and then paid down the mortgage recently.

I'm quite happy to stay at home and make improvements here to minimize all my ongoing expenses. I prefer not to travel and will only go when I have a driving need to do so or if I'm funded by an external source. I will be visiting India soon. I will meet a good friend who is returning to his homeland after a lengthy stay in China as an ambassador. I'm hoping also to meet Prime Minister Modi, if possible, but as he is such a busy fellow in these interesting times, to be present at even one of his speeches will be sufficient for me!:)