How Many Seas In India?


New Member
I love being by the sea, and of recent there was a debate about the seas surrounding India.

So I wanted to know from a reliable source that how many seas surround India, and what are their names?
India is surrounded by the following seas:

  1. Arabian Sea:
    • To the west of India lies the Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea is a part of the northern Indian Ocean and is bounded by the Arabian Peninsula to the northwest.
  2. Bay of Bengal:
    • To the east of India is the Bay of Bengal, which is the largest bay in the world. It is a northeastern arm of the Indian Ocean.
  3. Lakshadweep Sea:
    • The Lakshadweep Sea is a region of the northeastern part of the Arabian Sea. It is situated to the west of Kerala and the Lakshadweep Islands.
These seas play a significant role in India's geography, climate, and economic activities, including trade, fishing, and tourism.
India is a peninsula surrounded by three seas on its southern side and the Indian Ocean to the south. Here's a breakdown of the seas surrounding India:

  1. Arabian Sea: Located to the west of India, the Arabian Sea separates India from the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.
  2. Lakshadweep Sea: A smaller sea located southwest of India, separating the Lakshadweep Islands from the mainland. It's considered part of the Arabian Sea.
  3. Bay of Bengal: Located to the east of India, the Bay of Bengal separates India from Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia.
  4. Indian Ocean: The vast Indian Ocean forms the southern boundary of India.